General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC06


Information Documents

GC06Use of the balance in the General Fund - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(06)/INF/49
GC06Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(06)/INF/50
GC06Exchange of scientific abstracts - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(06)/INF/51
GC06The technical assistance provided by the Agency in 1961PDF iconGC(06)/INF/52
GC06Nuclear power costs - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(06)/INF/53
GC06Small power reactor projects in the United States of America and Canada. Information gathered as a result of invitations from Member StatesPDF iconGC(06)/INF/54
GC06Biennial programming within the framework of annual budgets - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(06)/INF/55
GC06DelegationsPDF iconGC(06)/INF/56
GC06DelegationsPDF iconGC(06)/INF/56/Rev.1
GC06DelegationsPDF iconGC(06)/INF/56/Rev.1/Mod.1
GC06DelegationsPDF iconGC(06)/INF/56/Rev.1/Mod.2
GC06DelegationsPDF iconGC(06)/INF/56/Rev.2
GC06An international centre for theoretical physics - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(06)/INF/57

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC06Applications for membership of the Agency - Application by Saudi Arabia for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(06)/RES/112
GC06The Agency's accounts for 1961PDF iconGC(06)/RES/113
GC06Annual reports on the Agency's activitiesPDF iconGC(06)/RES/114
GC06Annual reports on the Agency's activities - The Agency's annual report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for 1962-63PDF iconGC(06)/RES/115
GC06The Agency's Regular Budget for 1962 - Supplementary budgetary appropriations for 1962PDF iconGC(06)/RES/116
GC06The Agency's programme and budget for 1963 - Regular budget appropriations for 1963PDF iconGC(06)/RES/117
GC06The Agency's programme and budget for 1963 - Operational budget allocations for 1963PDF iconGC(06)/RES/118
GC06The Agency's programme and budget for 1963 - Use of the Working Capital Fund in 1963PDF iconGC(06)/RES/119
GC06The Agency's programme and budget for 1963 - Biennial programming within the framework of annual budgetsPDF iconGC(06)/RES/120
GC06Scale of Members' contributions for 1963PDF iconGC(06)/RES/121
GC06The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations - Representation of intergovernmental organizations at the seventh regular sessionPDF iconGC(06)/RES/122
GC06Amendment of Article XIV of the Statute - The financing of the Agency's activitiesPDF iconGC(06)/RES/123
GC06Credentials of delegates to the sixth regular sessionPDF iconGC(06)/RES/124
GC06Credentials of delegates to the sixth regular session. Report of the Credentials CommitteePDF iconGC(06)/RES/125
GC06Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1963PDF iconGC(06)/RES/126
GC06Nuclear power. The Agency's programme in nuclear powerPDF iconGC(06)/RES/127
GC06Nuclear power. Co-ordination of power questionsPDF iconGC(06)/RES/128
GC06The Agency's programme and budget for 1963. International conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energyPDF iconGC(06)/RES/129
GC06The Agency's programme and budget for 1963. Action pursuant to resolution 891 (XXXIV) of the Economic and Social Council of the United NationsPDF iconGC(06)/RES/130
GC06Long-term-planning - Programme of technical assistance to the developing countriesPDF iconGC(06)/RES/131
GC06An international centre for theoretical physics. The establishment of an International Centre for Theoretical Physics under the auspices of the AgencyPDF iconGC(06)/RES/132
GC06Amendment of the Rules of ProcedurePDF iconGC(06)/RES/133

Decisions of the General Conference

GC06Election of the PresidentPDF iconGC(06)/DEC/1
GC06Appointment of the Credentials CommitteePDF iconGC(06)/DEC/2
GC06Election of the Vice-PresidentPDF iconGC(06)/DEC/3
GC06Appointment of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(06)/DEC/4
GC06Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussionPDF iconGC(06)/DEC/5
GC06Closing date of the sessionPDF iconGC(06)/DEC/6
GC06Opening date of the seventh regular sessionPDF iconGC(06)/DEC/7
GC06Election of members to the Agency's Staff Pension CommitteePDF iconGC(06)/DEC/8
GC06Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(06)/DEC/9

Plenary Meetings

GC06Official record of the sixty-third Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(06)/OR.63
GC06Official record of the sixty-fourth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(06)/OR.64
GC06Official record of tied sixty-fifth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(06)/OR.65
GC06Official record of the sixty-sixth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(06)/OR.66
GC06Official record of the sixty-seventh Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(06)/OR.67
GC06Official record of the sixty-eighth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(06)/OR.68

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