GC44 |
GC44 | List of Individual Participants | GC(44)/INF/18/Add.1 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC44 | Provisional Agenda | GC(44)/1 |
GC44 | Provisional Agenda - Supplementary item for inclusion in the Provisional Agenda | GC(44)/1/Add.1 |
GC44 | Applications for Membership of the Agency: Application by Tajikistan | GC(44)/2 |
GC44 | Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by Azerbaijan | GC(44)/3 |
GC44 | The Agency's Accounts for 1999 | GC(44)/5 |
GC44 | The Agency's Programme and Budget for 2001 | GC(44)/6 |
GC44 | The Agency's Programme and Budget for 2001 - Modification | GC(44)/6/Mod.1 |
GC44 | Categorization of Radiation Sources | GC(44)/7/Att.1 |
GC44 | Measures to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation and waste safety - The Action Plan for the safety of radiation sources and the security of radioactive materials | GC(44)/7 |
GC44 | Measures to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation and waste safety - The Action Plan for the safety of radiation sources and the security of radioactive materials | GC(44)/7/Add.1 |
GC44 | Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and Threat | GC(44)/8 |
GC44 | Nuclear Technology Review 2000 | GC(44)/9 |
GC44 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors | GC(44)/10 |
GC44 | The Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions Relating to Iraq | GC(44)/11 |
GC44 | Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards System and Application of the Model Protocol | GC(44)/12 |
GC44 | Plan for Producing Potable Water Economically - The Nuclear Desalination of Seawater and Small and Medium Sized Reactor Development | GC(44)/13 |
GC44 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East - Report by the Director General to the Board of Governors and to the General Conference | GC(44)/14 |
GC44 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East - Report by the Director General to the Board of Governors and to the General Conference Corrigendum | GC(44)/14/Corr.1 |
GC44 | Nuclear Verification and Security of Material - Measures Against Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear Materials and Other Radioactive Sources | GC(44)/15 |
GC44 | Implementation of the Agreement Between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | GC(44)/16 |
GC44 | Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Central African Republic Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(44)/17 |
GC44 | Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2001 | GC(44)/18 |
GC44 | Contributions to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2001 | GC(44)/19 |
GC44 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2001 | GC(44)/20 |
GC44 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2001 | GC(44)/20/Rev.1 |
GC44 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2001 | GC(44)/20/Rev.2 |
GC44 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2001 | GC(44)/20/Rev.3 |
GC44 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2001 | GC(44)/20/Rev.4 |
GC44 | Agenda | GC(44)/21 |
GC44 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the President | GC(44)/22 |
GC44 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Statement of Arab Delegations Concerning their Reservations about the Credentials Submitted by the Israeli Delegation | GC(44)/23 |
GC44 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Communication Received from the Resident Representative of Israel | GC(44)/24 |
GC44 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(44)/25 |
Information Documents |
GC44 | Inscription in the list of speakers in the General Debate | GC(44)/INF/1 |
GC44 | Advance Information for Delegations | GC(44)/INF/2 |
GC44 | Technical Co-operation Report for 1999 | GC(44)/INF/3 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety | GC(44)/INF/4 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety | GC(44)/INF/5 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety | GC(44)/INF/6 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safet of Transport of radioactive materials | GC(44)/INF/7 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safet of Transport of radiological Protection of Patients | GC(44)/INF/8 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety - International intercomparisons of radiation dose Measuremenr for radiation protection | GC(44)/INF/9 |
GC44 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety Related International Conventions - Recent Developments and Status | GC(44)/INF/10 |
GC44 | Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(44)/INF/11 |
GC44 | Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(44)/INF/11/Add.1 |
GC44 | Management Reform | GC(44)/INF/12 |
GC44 | Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(44)/INF/13 |
GC44 | Statement of financial contributions to the Agency | GC(44)/INF/14/Rev.1 |
GC44 | Statement of financial contributions to the Agency | GC(44)/INF/14/Rev.2 |