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COMPASS – IAEA Comprehensive Capacity-Building Initiative for SSACs and SRAs

Launched in 2020, COMPASS is a new IAEA initiative that involves partnering with States to help them strengthen the effectiveness of their national authority responsible for safeguards implementation (SRA) and of their respective system of accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSAC). COMPASS provides assistance and services tailored to a State’s needs.

Cooperation between a State and the IAEA is essential in ensuring that nuclear safeguards are implemented effectively and efficiently. The Agency devotes resources to assist the State in developing required safeguards capabilities, including the provision of guidance to enhance a State’s understanding of its safeguards obligations.

Through COMPASS, the IAEA works with the State to identify the main areas where additional assistance would be beneficial and then to develop a customized assistance package. COMPASS offers State-specific support in the areas of outreach; national training; software and equipment; legal and regulatory; and human resources.

For More Information

If you would like to learn more, or wish to support this initiative, please contact us for more information.

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