General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC09


Reports to the Conference

GC09Safeguards - Resolution adopted by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/294
GC09Provisional agenda - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/295
GC09The Agency's budget for 1965 - Supplementary estimate submitted by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/296
GC09The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations - Recommendation by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/297
GC09Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/298
GC09Annual report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference. 1 July 1964 - 30 June 1965PDF iconGC(09)/299
GC09The Agency's budget for 1966PDF iconGC(09)/300
GC09The Agency's accounts for 1964PDF iconGC(09)/301
GC09Annual reports on the Agency's activities. Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations for 1964-65 - Recommendation by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/302
GC09Annual reports on the Agency's activities. Report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for 1965-66 - Recommendation by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/303
GC09Appointment of the Director General - Request by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/304
GC09Amendment of article VI.A.2 of the Statute: proposal by the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/305
GC09Scale of Members' contributions for 1966 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/306
GC09Report of the Board of Governors for the year 1964-65 (GC(IX)/299). Supplementary information on financial contributions to the Agency - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/307
GC09Applications for membership of the Agency. Applications by Jordan and Jamaica - Recommendations by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/308
GC09Amendment of article VI.A.2 of the Statute: proposal by the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Communication from the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(09)/309
GC09Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1966PDF iconGC(09)/310
GC09Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1966 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/310/Rev.1
GC09Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1966 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/310/Rev.2
GC09Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1966 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/310/Rev.3
GC09Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1966 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/310/Rev.4
GC09Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussion - Report by the General Committee under Rule 42 of the Rules of ProcedurePDF iconGC(09)/311
GC09Safeguards - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(09)/312
GC09AgendaPDF iconGC(09)/313
GC09Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/314
GC09General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1964-65 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(09)/315
GC09General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1964-65 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(09)/316
GC09General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1964-65 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(09)/317
GC09The Agency's accounts for 1964 - Report of the Administrative and Legal CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/318
GC09Safeguards - Roport of the Administrative and Legal CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/319
GC09The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of intergovernmental organizations at the tenth regular session - Report of the Administrative and Legal CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/320
GC09The Agency's budget for 1965 - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/321
GC09The Agency's budget for 1966. First report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee on agenda item 14PDF iconGC(09)/322
GC09The Agency's budget for 1966 - Second report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee on agenda item 14PDF iconGC(09)/323
GC09Scale of Members' contributions for 1966 - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/324
GC09Credentials of delegates to the ninth regular session. Report of the Credentials CommitteePDF iconGC(09)/325

Information Documents

GC09Advance information for governmentsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/79
GC09Advance information for governments - Additional information as at 15 July 1965PDF iconGC(09)/INF/79/Add.1
GC09The technical assistance provided by the Agency in 1964PDF iconGC(09)/INF/80
GC09Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/81
GC09DelegationsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/82
GC09DelegationsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/82/Rev.1
GC09Delegations - ModificationsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/82/Rev.1/Mod.1
GC09Delegations - ModificationsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/82/Rev.2
GC09Emergency assistance in the event of radiation accidents - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/INF/83
GC09Statement to the General Conference by the International Confederation of Free Trade UnionsPDF iconGC(09)/INF/84

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC09Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Jordan for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(09)/RES/183
GC09Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Jamaica for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(09)/RES/184
GC09Appointment of the Director General. Approval of the appointment of the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(09)/RES/185
GC09Safeguards - Revision of the Agency's safeguards systemPDF iconGC(09)/RES/186

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