GC64 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC64 | Provisional Agenda - Supplementary item for inclusion in the provisional agenda | GC(64)/1/Add.1 |
GC64 | Provisional Agenda - Supplementary item for inclusion in the provisional agenda | GC(64)/1/Add.2 |
GC64 | Provisional Agenda - Supplementary List | GC(64)/1/Add.3 |
GC64 | Provisional agenda | GC(64)/1 |
GC64 | The Agency’s Budget Update for 2021 | GC(64)/2 |
GC64 | IAEA Annual Report 2019 | GC(64)/3 |
GC64 | IAEA Annual Report 2019 - Additional Annex Information | GC(64)/3/Annex |
GC64 | The Agency's Financial Statements for 2019 | GC(64)/4 |
GC64 | Strengthening the Agency's Activities related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications | GC(64)/5 |
GC64 | Strengthening the Agency's Activities related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications | GC(64)/5 |
GC64 | Nuclear Security Report 2020 | GC(64)/6 |
GC64 | Nuclear Security Report 2020 - Modification | GC(64)/6/Mod.1 |
GC64 | Nuclear and Radiation Safety | GC(64)/7 |
GC64 | Scale of Assessment of Member States' Contributions towards the Regular Budget for 2021 | GC(64)/8 |
GC64 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors | GC(64)/9 |
GC64 | Amendment to Article XIV.A of the Statute | GC(64)/10 |
GC64 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East | GC(64)/11 |
GC64 | Arrangements for the Conference | GC(64)/12 |
GC64 | Arrangements for the Conference | GC(64)/12/Add.1 |
GC64 | Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of Agency Safeguards | GC(64)/13 |
GC64 | Communication received from the Resident Representative of Israel regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled "Israeli Nuclear Capabilities" | GC(64)/14 |
GC64 | Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Independent State of Samoa Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(64)/15 |
GC64 | Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Republic of Guinea - Recommendation by the Board of Governor | GC(64)/16 |
GC64 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2021 | GC(64)/17 |
GC64 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2021 | GC(64)/17/Rev.1 |
GC64 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2021 | GC(64)/17/Rev.2 |
GC64 | Application of Safeguards in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea | GC(64)/18 |
GC64 | Agenda | GC(64)/19 |
GC64 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the President | GC(64)/20 |
GC64 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the President | GC(64)/20 |
GC64 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Text of the communication dated 18 September 2020 received from the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna | GC(64)/21 |
GC64 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials Statement of the Arab Member States of the IAEA participating in the 64th regular session of the IAEA General Conference (21-25 September 2020) regarding their reservations about credentials of the Israeli delegation | GC(64)/22 |
GC64 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Text of the communication dated 23 September 2020 received from the Permanent Representative of Israel to the IAEA | GC(64)/23 |
GC64 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(64)/24/Corr. 1 |
Information Documents |
GC64 | Inscription in the List of Speakers in the General Debate | GC(64)/INF/1 |
GC64 | Nuclear Technology Review 2020 | GC(64)/INF/2 |
GC64 | Nuclear Safety Review 2020 | GC(64)/INF/3 |
GC64 | The IAEA and the COVID-19 Pandemic | GC(64)/INF/4, GC(64)/INF/5, GC(64)/INF/6 |
GC64 | International Conference on Nuclear Security: Sustaining and Strengthening Efforts | GC(64)/INF/7 |
GC64 | Advance Information for Delegations | GC(64)/INF/8 |
GC64 | Technical Cooperation Report for 2019 | GC(64)/INF/9 |
GC64 | Technical Cooperation Report for 2019 - Supplement | GC(64)/INF/9/Supplement |
GC64 | Communication dated 29 June 2020 from the Chairman of the International Nuclear Safety Group (INSAG) | GC(64)/INF/11 |
GC64 | Statement of Financial Contributions to the IAEA | GC(64)/INF/12 |
GC64 | Report on Measures Taken to Facilitate Payment of Contributions and Status Report on Member States Participating in a Payment Plan | GC(64)/INF/13 |
GC64 | List of Participants | GC(64)/INF/14 |
GC64 | Text of communication dated 18 September 2020 received from the Embassy/Permanent Mission Zimbabwe in Vienna concerning restoration of voting rights | GC(64)/INF/16 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC64 | Application by the Independent State of Samoa for membership of the Agency | GC(64)/RES/1 |
GC64 | Application by the Republic of Guinea for membership of the Agency | GC(64)/RES/2 |
GC64 | The IAEA and the COVID-19 Pandemic | GC(64)/RES/3 |