GC21 |
GC21 | Agenda items referred to the Committee by the General Conference | GC(21)/COM.5/4 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/COM.5/5 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/COM.5/6 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC21 | Provisional Agenda | GC(21)/577 |
GC21 | Appointment of the Director General - Request by the Board of Governors | GC(21)/578 |
GC21 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Note by the Board of Governors | GC(21)/579 |
GC21 | The Annual Report for 1976 | GC(21)/580 |
GC21 | The Agency's accounts for 1976 | GC(21)/581 |
GC21 | The Agency's budget for 1978 | GC(21)/582 |
GC21 | The Agency's budget for 1978 - Modifications | GC(21)/582/Mod.1 |
GC21 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1978 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/583 |
GC21 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1978. Modifications - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/583/Mod.1 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Note by the Director General | GC(21)/584 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Note by the Director General | GC(21)/584/Add.1 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute. Note by the Director General - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/584/Add.2 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute. Note by the Director General - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/584/Add.3 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute. Note by the Director General - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/584/Add.4 |
GC21 | The Agency's budget for 1978 - Note by the Director General | GC(21)/585 |
GC21 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1978 - Note by the Director General | GC(21)/586 |
GC21 | Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussion - Proposals by the Board of Governors | GC(21)/587 |
GC21 | The Agency's budget for 1977 - A supplementary estimate submitted by the Board of Governors | GC(21)/588 |
GC21 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1978 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/589 |
GC21 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1978 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/589/Rev.1 |
GC21 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1978 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/589/Rev.2 |
GC21 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1978 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/589/Rev.3 |
GC21 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1978 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(21)/589/Rev.4 |
GC21 | The Agency's budget for 1978 - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/590 |
GC21 | The Agency's budget for 1978 - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/590/Rev.1 |
GC21 | Agenda | GC(21)/591 |
GC21 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the President | GC(21)/592 |
GC21 | Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(21)/593 |
GC21 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution... | GC(21)/594 |
Information Documents |
GC21 | Advance information | GC(21)/INF/168 |
GC21 | Advance information. Further information for Governments | GC(21)/INF/168/Add.1 |
GC21 | The provision of technical assistance by the Agency with special reference to 1976 - Report by the Director General | GC(21)/INF/169 |
GC21 | List of Participants | GC(21)/INF/170 |
GC21 | List of Participants | GC(21)/INF/170/Rev.1 |
GC21 | List of Participants | GC(21)/INF/170/Rev.1/Mod.1 |
GC21 | List of Participants | GC(21)/INF/170/Rev.1/Mod.2 |
GC21 | List of Participants | GC(21)/INF/170/Rev.1/Mod.3 |
GC21 | List of Participants | GC(21)/INF/170/Rev.2 |
GC21 | Information for Delegations | GC(21)/INF/171 |
GC21 | Advances in the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes - Information received from Pakistan | GC(21)/INF/172 |
GC21 | Further messages of congratulation received on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency | GC(21)/INF/173/Add.1 |
GC21 | Further messages of congratulation received on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency | GC(21)/INF/173/Add.2 |
GC21 | Further messages of congratulation received on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency | GC(21)/INF/173/Add.3 |
GC21 | Messages of congratulation received on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency | GC(21)/INF/173 |
GC21 | Statements of financial contributions to the Agency as at 23 September 1977 - Note by the Director General | GC(21)/INF/174 |
GC21 | Contribution by the United States of America in support of the Agency's programme for research and medical therapy - Note by the Director General | GC(21)/INF/175 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC21 | Appointment of the Director General. Approval of the appointment of the Director General | GC(21)/RES/343 |