GC04 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC04 | Agency Safeguards - Note by the Director General | GC(04)/108 |
GC04 | Agency Safeguards - Note by the Director General | GC(04)/108/Rev.1 |
GC04 | Provisional agenda | GC(04)/109 |
GC04 | Provisional agenda - Supplementary items requested for inclusion in the agenda | GC(04)/109/Add.1 |
GC04 | Provisional agenda. Supplementary items requested for inclusion in the agenda - Corrigendum | GC(04)/109/Add.1/Corr.1 |
GC04 | Provisional agenda. Supplementary items requested for inclusion in the agenda - Corrigendum | GC(04)/109/Add.2 |
GC04 | Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Ghana - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/110 |
GC04 | The Agency's annual reports to the United Nations General Assembly - Proposals by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/111 |
GC04 | The Agency's annual report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for 1960-61 - Proposal by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/112 |
GC04 | Rules to govern the provision of technical assistance by the Agency - Report by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/113 |
GC04 | Annual report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference. 1 July 1959 - 30 June 1960 | GC(04)/114 |
GC04 | Amendment of the Rules of Procedure - Proposals by the Director General | GC(04)/115 |
GC04 | Amendment of the Rules of Procedure - Proposals by the Director General. Corrigenda | GC(04)/115/Corr.1 |
GC04 | Programme and budget for 1961 | GC(04)/116 |
GC04 | The Agency's accounts for 1959 | GC(04)/117 |
GC04 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/118 |
GC04 | The use of funds provided to defray the Agency's administrative and operational services costs in 1960 under the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance - Report and recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/119 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of such organizations at the fifth regular session of the General Conference - Proposal by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/120 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Proposed agreement for co-operation with the European Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/121 |
GC04 | The development of nuclear power. Activities to stimulate the development of nuclear power - Report of the Board of Governors | GC(04)/122 |
GC04 | The development of nuclear power. Review of nuclear power costs - Report of the Board of Governors | GC(04)/123 |
GC04 | Scale of Members' contributions for 1961 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(04)/124 |
GC04 | Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Ghana - Draft resolution... | GC(04)/125 |
GC04 | Report of the Board of Governors for 1959-60. Supplementary information on financial contributions to the Agency - Corrigenda | GC(04)/126/Corr.1 |
GC04 | Report of the Board of Governors for 1959-60. Supplementary information on financial contributions to the Agency - Note by the Director General | GC(04)/126 |
GC04 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Report by the General Committee | GC(04)/127 |
GC04 | Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussion - Report by the General Committee under Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure | GC(04)/128 |
GC04 | Credentials of delegates to the fourth regular session. Report of the Credentials Committee | GC(04)/129 |
GC04 | Agenda | GC(04)/130 |
GC04 | General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1959-60 - Draft resolution... | GC(04)/131 |
GC04 | The use of funds provided to defray the Agency's administrative and operational services costs in 1960 under the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(04)/132 |
GC04 | The matter of the grant of consultative status with the Agency to the World Federation of Trade Unions - Draft resolution... | GC(04)/133 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Proposed agreement for co-operation with the Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission of the Organization of American States - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/134 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Proposed agreement for co-operation with the European Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(04)/135 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of inter-governmental organizations at the fifth regular session - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(04)/136 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of inter-governmental organizations at the fifth regular session - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(04)/136/Rev.1 |
GC04 | Rules to govern the provision of technical assistance by the Agency - Report of the Administrative and legal Committee | GC(04)/137 |
GC04 | Amendment of the Rules of Procedure - Eeport of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(04)/138 |
GC04 | The Agency's accounts for 1959 - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(04)/139 |
GC04 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund in 1961. Report of the Committee for Pledges of Voluntary. Contributions to the General Fund | GC(04)/140 |
GC04 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations | GC(04)/141 |
GC04 | Agency safeguards - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(04)/142 |
GC04 | The Agency's programme, budget and Working Capital Fund for 1961 - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(04)/143 |
GC04 | The development of nuclear power - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(04)/144 |
GC04 | Scale of Members' contributions for 1961 - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(04)/145 |
GC04 | Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Senegal - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/146 |
GC04 | Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Mali - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(04)/147 |
GC04 | General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1959-60 - Draft resolution... | GC(04)/148 |
GC04 | General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1959-60 - Draft resolution... | GC(04)/149/Rev.1 |
GC04 | General debate and report of the Board of Governors for 1959-60 - Draft resolution... | GC(04)/149/Rev.2 |