GC11 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC11 | Provisional agenda - Note by the Director General | GC(11)/354 |
GC11 | Annual report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference. 1 July 1966 - 30 June 1967 | GC(11)/355 |
GC11 | Annual report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference. 1 July 1966 - 30 June 1967 - Corrigenda | GC(11)/355/Corr.1 |
GC11 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the Board of Governors | GC(11)/356 |
GC11 | Annual reports on the Agency's activities. Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations for 1966-67 - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(11)/357 |
GC11 | Annual reports on the Agency's activities. Report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for 1967-68 - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(11)/358 |
GC11 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation at the twelfth regular session of the General Conference - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(11)/359 |
GC11 | The Agency's budget for 1968 | GC(11)/360 |
GC11 | The Agency's budget for 1968 - Corrigenda | GC(11)/360/Corr.1 |
GC11 | The Agency's accounts for 1966 | GC(11)/361 |
GC11 | Review of the Agency's activities | GC(11)/362 |
GC11 | Review of the Agency's activities | GC(11)/362/Add.1 |
GC11 | Review of the Agency's activities | GC(11)/362/Add.2 |
GC11 | Scale of Members' contributions for 1968 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(11)/363 |
GC11 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1968 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(11)/364 |
GC11 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1968 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(11)/364/Rev.1 |
GC11 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1968 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(11)/364/Rev.2 |
GC11 | Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1968 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(11)/364/Rev.3 |
GC11 | Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Malaysia - Recommendation by the Board of Governors | GC(11)/365 |
GC11 | Report of the Board of Governors for the year 1966-67. Supplementary information on financial contributions to the Agency - Note by the Director General | GC(11)/366 |
GC11 | Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussion. Report by the General Committee under Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure | GC(11)/367 |
GC11 | Agenda | GC(11)/368 |
GC11 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Report of the General Committee | GC(11)/369 |
GC11 | The Agency's accounts for 1966 - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(11)/370 |
GC11 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of intergovernmental organizations at the twelfth regular session - Report of the Administrative and Legal Committee | GC(11)/371 |
GC11 | The Agency's budget for 1968. Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(11)/372 |
GC11 | Scale of Members' contributions for 1968 - Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(11)/373 |
GC11 | Review of the Agency's activities. Report of the Programme, Technical and Budget Committee | GC(11)/374 |
GC11 | Credentials of delegates to the eleventh regular session. Report of the Credentials Committee | GC(11)/375 |
Information Documents |
GC11 | Advance information for governments | GC(11)/INF/92 |
GC11 | The provision of technical assistance by the Agency with special reference to 1966 - Report by the Director General | GC(11)/INF/93 |
GC11 | National co-ordination - Note by the Director General | GC(11)/INF/94 |
GC11 | Information for Delegations | GC(11)/INF/95 |
GC11 | Delegations | GC(11)/INF/96 |
GC11 | Delegations | GC(11)/INF/96/Rev.1 |
GC11 | Delegations | GC(11)/INF/96/Rev.1/Mod.1 |
GC11 | Delegations | GC(11)/INF/96/Rev.1/Mod.2 |
GC11 | Delegations | GC(11)/INF/96/Rev.2 |
GC11 | Progress in peaceful applications of nuclear energy during the year 1966/67 - A statement by India | GC(11)/INF/97/Add.2 |
GC11 | Progress in peaceful applications of nuclear energy during the year 1966/67 - Further Statements by Member States | GC(11)/INF/97/Add.1 |
GC11 | Progress in peaceful applications of nuclear energy during the year 1966/67 - Statements by Member States | GC(11)/INF/97/Rev.1 |
GC11 | Progress in peaceful applications of nuclear energy during the year 1966/67. Statements by Member States - Note by the Director General | GC(11)/INF/97 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC11 | Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Malaysia for membership of the Agency | GC(11)/RES/219 |
GC11 | Credentials of delegates to the eleventh regular session. Report of the Credentials Committee | GC(11)/RES/220 |
GC11 | Credentials of delegates to the eleventh regular session. Report of the Credentials Committee | GC(11)/RES/221 |
GC11 | Annual reports on the Agency's activities. The Agency's report to the General Assembly of the United Nations for 1966-67 | GC(11)/RES/222 |
GC11 | Annual reports on the Agency's activities. The Agency's report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for 1967-68 | GC(11)/RES/223 |
GC11 | The Agency's accounts for 1966 | GC(11)/RES/224 |
GC11 | The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations | GC(11)/RES/225 |
GC11 | The Agency's budget for 1968. Regular budget appropriations for 1968 | GC(11)/RES/226 |