GC45 |
GC45 | Presidential Statement on Terrorism | GC(45)/STA/1 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC45 | Provisional Agenda | GC(45)/1 |
GC45 | Application by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia | GC(45)/2 |
GC45 | Applications for Membership of the Agency: Application by the Republic of Botswana | GC(45)/3 |
GC45 | Approval of the appointment of the DG: Report by the Board of Governor | GC(45)/5 |
GC45 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors | GC(45)/6 |
GC45 | The Agency's Accounts for 2000 | GC(45)/7 |
GC45 | The Agency's Programme and Budget 2002-2003 | GC(45)/8/Mod.1 |
GC45 | Rules regarding the acceptance of voluntary contributions of money to the Agency | GC(45)/9 |
GC45 | Elections of members to the Board of Governors | GC(45)/10 |
GC45 | Note by The Secretariat | GC(45)/11 |
GC45 | Note by The Secretariat | GC(45)/11/Att.1 |
GC45 | Measures to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety: Radiation safety (Secretariat responses to radiation safety issues of Member States) | GC(45)/12 |
GC45 | Measures to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety: Transport safety (Secretariat responses to transport safety issues of Member States) | GC(45)/13 |
GC45 | Measures to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety: Waste Safety (Secretariat responses to waste safety issues of Member States) | GC(45)/14 |
GC45 | Plan for producing potable water economically | GC(45)/15 |
GC45 | Use of Isotope Hydrology for water resources management | GC(45)/16 |
GC45 | Servicing immediate human needs | GC(45)/17 |
GC45 | The Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions relating to Iraq | GC(45)/18 |
GC45 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East | GC(45)/19 |
GC45 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East: Corrigendum | GC(45)/19/Corr.1 |
GC45 | Measures to improve the security of nuclear materials and other radioactive material | GC(45)/20 |
GC45 | Measures to improve the security of nuclear materials and other radioactive material | GC(45)/20/Corr.1 |
GC45 | Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat | GC(45)/21 |
GC45 | Women in the Secretariat | GC(45)/22 |
GC45 | Strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system and application of the Model Additional Protocol | GC(45)/23 |
GC45 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2002 | GC(45)/25 |
GC45 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2002 | GC(45)/25/Rev.1 |
GC45 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2002 | GC(45)/25/Rev.2 |
GC45 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2002 | GC(45)/25/Rev.3 |
GC45 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2002 | GC(45)/25/Rev.4 |
GC45 | Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2002 | GC(45)/25/Rev.5 |
GC45 | Implementation of the agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty on the Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons | GC(45)/26 |
GC45 | Appointment of the External Auditor for 2002 | GC(45)/27 |
GC45 | Agenda | GC(45)/28 |
GC45 | Appointment of Members to the Board of Governors | GC(45)/29 |
GC45 | Examination of Delegates Credentials: Statement of Arab Delegation | GC(45)/30 |
GC45 | Examination of Delegates Credentials: Statement of Arab delegations | GC(45)/30/Add.1 |
GC45 | Examination of Delegations Credentials: Text of communication dated 19.9.2001 received from the Resident Representative of Israel to the IAEA | GC(45)/31 |
GC45 | Examination of Delegations Credentials | GC(45)/32 |
GC45 | Examination of Delegations Credentials: Report of the General Committe:Corrigendum | GC(45)/32/Corr.1 |
Information Documents |
GC45 | Inscription in the List of Speakers in the General Debate | GC(45)/INF/1 |
GC45 | Advance Information for Delegations | GC(45)/INF/2 |
GC45 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety | GC(45)/INF/3 |
GC45 | Nulear Technology Review - Update 2001 | GC(45)/INF/5 |
GC45 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety - Education and Training | GC(45)/INF/6 |
GC45 | Amendment to Aricle VI of the Statute | GC(45)/INF/7 |
GC45 | Communication from the Permanent Mission of Iraq Concerning Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(45)/INF/9 |
GC45 | Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency | GC(45)/INF/10/Rev.1 |