GC23 |
GC23 | Agenda items referred to the Committee by the General Conference | GC(23)/COM.5/9 |
GC23 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution... | GC(23)/COM.5/10 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC23 | Provisional Agenda | GC(23)/609 |
GC23 | The Annual Report for 1978 | GC(23)/610 |
GC23 | The Agency's accounts for 1978 | GC(23)/611 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980 | GC(23)/612 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980 - Modification | GC(23)/612/Mod.1 |
GC23 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1980. Memorandum by the Director General | GC(23)/613 |
GC23 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1980. Memorandum by the Director General - Modifications | GC(23)/613/Mod.1 |
GC23 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Note by the Board of Governors | GC(23)/614 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980 - Note by the Director General | GC(23)/615 |
GC23 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Note by the Director General | GC(23)/616 |
GC23 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Note by the Director General | GC(23)/616/Add.1 |
GC23 | Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussion. Request for the inclusion of an additional item in the agenda - Proposal by the Board of Governors | GC(23)/617 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1979 - A supplementary estimate submitted by the Board of governors | GC(23)/618 |
GC23 | Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the General Fund for 1980 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(23)/619 |
GC23 | Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the General Fund for 1980 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(23)/619/Rev.1 |
GC23 | Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the General Fund for 1980 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(23)/619/Rev.2 |
GC23 | Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the General Fund for 1980 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(23)/619/Rev.3 |
GC23 | Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the General Fund for 1980 - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(23)/619/Rev.4 |
GC23 | Agenda | GC(23)/620 |
GC23 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the President | GC(23)/621 |
GC23 | Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(23)/622 |
GC23 | Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(23)/623 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980 - Draft resolution... | GC(23)/624 |
GC23 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution... | GC(23)/625 |
Information Documents |
GC23 | Advance general information | GC(23)/INF/184 |
GC23 | Advance general information | GC(23)/INF/184/Add.1 |
GC23 | Advance general information | GC(23)/INF/184/Add.2 |
GC23 | Advance general information | GC(23)/INF/184/Add.3 |
GC23 | The provision of technical assistance by the Agency with special reference to 1978 - Report by the Director General | GC(23)/INF/185 |
GC23 | Supplementary Nuclear Power Safety Programme - Note by the Director General | GC(23)/INF/186 |
GC23 | Information for Delegations | GC(23)/INF/187 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188/Rev.1 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188/Rev.2 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188/Rev.3 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188/Rev.4 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188/Rev.4/Add.1 |
GC23 | List of Participants | GC(23)/INF/188/Rev.5 |
GC23 | Statements of financial contributions to the Agency as at 30 November 1979 - Note by the Director General | GC(23)/INF/189 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC23 | Examination of delegates' credentials | GC(23)/RES/362 |
GC23 | The Agency's accounts for 1978 | GC(23)/RES/363 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1979. Supplementary Regular Budget appropriation for 1979 | GC(23)/RES/364 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980. Regular Budget appropriations for 1980 | GC(23)/RES/365 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980. Operational Budget allocations for 1980 | GC(23)/RES/366 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980. The Working Capital Fund in 1980 | GC(23)/RES/367 |
GC23 | The Agency's budget for 1980. The financing of technical assistance | GC(23)/RES/368 |
GC23 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1980 | GC(23)/RES/369 |
GC23 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute | GC(23)/RES/370 |