GC47 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC47 | Provisional Agenda | GC(47)/1 |
GC47 | Provisional Agenda : Supplementary item for inclusion in the provisional agenda | GC(47)/1/Add.1 |
GC47 | The Agency's Accounts for 2002 | GC(47)/4 |
GC47 | Election of members to the Board of Governors | GC(47)/5 |
GC47 | Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat | GC(47)/6 |
GC47 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Transport Safety and Waste Management - Report by the Director General | GC(47)/7 |
GC47 | Strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system including implementation of additional protocols | GC(47)/8 |
GC47 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Transport Safety and Waste Management - Revisionof the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources - Report by the Director General | GC(47)/9 |
GC47 | Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions Relating to Iraq | GC(47)/10 |
GC47 | Strengthening the Agency's Activities related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications | GC(47)/11 |
GC47 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East | GC(47)/12/Add.1 |
GC47 | Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East - Report by the Director General | GC(47)/12 |
GC47 | Personnel-Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat | GC(47)/13 |
GC47 | Women in the Secretariat | GC(47)/14 |
GC47 | Appointment of the External Auditor | GC(47)/15 |
GC47 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors | GC(47)/16 |
GC47 | Nuclear Security - Measures to Protect Against Nuclear Terrorism | GC(47)/17 |
GC47 | Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2004 | GC(47)/18 |
GC47 | Scale of Assessment of Member's Contributions for 2004 | GC(47)/18/Rev.1 |
GC47 | Implementation of the Safeguards Agreement Between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pursuant to the Treaty on the non-proliferton of nuclear weapons - Reprot by the Director General | GC(47)/19 |
GC47 | Report on contributions pledged to the TCF for 2004 | GC(47)/20 |
GC47 | Report on contributions pledged to the TCF for 2004 | GC(47)/20/Rev.1 |
GC47 | Report on contributions pledged to the TCF for 2004 | GC(47)/20/Rev.2 |
GC47 | Report on contributions pledged to the TCF for 2004 | GC(47)/20/Rev.3 |
GC47 | Report on contributions pledged to the TCF for 2004 | GC(47)/20/Rev.4 |
GC47 | Agenda | GC(47)/21 |
GC47 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Statement of Arab Delegations concerning their reservations about the credentials of the Israeli delegation to the forty-seventh regular session of the IAEA General Conference | GC(47)/22 |
GC47 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Statement of ARab Delegations concerning their reservations about the credentials of the Israeli delegation to the forty-seventh regular session of the IAEA general conference | GC(47)/22/Rev.1 |
GC47 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Text of communication dated 17 September 2003 received from the Resident Representative of Israel to the IAEA | GC(47)/23 |
GC47 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(47)/24 |
GC47 | Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Report of the General Committee | GC(47)/24/Add.1 |
Information Documents |
GC47 | Inscription in the list of speakers in the General Debate | GC(47)/INF/1 |
GC47 | Advance Information for Delegations | GC(47)/INF/2 |
GC47 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Transport Safety and Waste Management Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 200 | GC(47)/INF/3 |
GC47 | Measures to strengthen internatioanl cooperation in nuclear, radiation and transport safety and waste management : International Conference on National Infrastructures for Radiation Safety: Towards Effective and Sustainable Systems | GC(47)/INF/4/Add.1 |
GC47 | Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Transport Safety and Waste Management Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 200 | GC(47)/INF/4 |
GC47 | Amendment to Article VI of the Statute | GC(47)/INF/5 |
GC47 | International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) | GC(47)/INF/6/Att.2 |
GC47 | Knowledge Management | GC(47)/INF/6/Att.1 |
GC47 | Nuclear Technology Review - Update 2003 | GC(47)/INF/6 |
GC47 | Report to the Board of Governors by the Co-Chairmen of the Informal Open-ended Working Group on the programme and budget for 2004-2005 and the conclusion of the Chairman of the Board | GC(47)/INF/7 |
GC47 | Technical Cooperation Report for 2002 - Report by the Director General | GC(47)/INF/8 |
GC47 | Technical Cooperation Report for 2002 : Supplement | GC(47)/INF/8/Att.1 |
GC47 | Text of communication of 26 June 2003 received from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia concerning Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(47)/INF/9 |
GC47 | Text of Communication of 28 August 2003 received from the Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan concerning Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(47)/INF/10 |
GC47 | Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(47)/INF/11 |
GC47 | Restoration of Voting Rights | GC(47)/INF/11/Rev.1 |
GC47 | Statement of financial contributions to the Agency | GC(47)/INF/12/Rev.1 |
GC47 | Statement of financial contributions to the Agency | GC(47)/INF/12/Rev.2 |