Managing for Results

The Agency follows a results based approach in all areas of its work, optimizing the use of resources and leveraging technology to enable efficient and effective programme delivery.

As we strive to deliver excellent services to Member States, we are committed to making efficient use of the resources entrusted to us, continuously optimizing our management practices and developing new partnerships that amplify the impact of our work.
Margaret Doane, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Management

To further strengthen results based management (RBM), the Agency consistently integrated cross-cutting issues such as the SDGs, gender equality, knowledge management and risk management throughout all phases of the RBM cycle. These topics are, to varying degrees, relevant to all aspects of the Agency’s activities. In addition, the Agency strengthened its collaboration with the wider UN system and other international actors, including through the UN Strategic Planning Network (UNSPN) and the OECD Development Assistance Committee Results Community. The aim was to contribute to and continuously learn from best practices in applying RBM for better results. To this end, the Agency hosted the 2023 UNSPN meeting for the Vienna International Centre based organizations and actively participated in the exchange of good practices. Furthermore, it developed pilot knowledge tests and participant follow-up surveys for better and more timely measurement of capacity-building results. It also continued to strengthen its RBM capacity-building activities, including through the development of e-learning materials as part of the induction programme for new managers.

Promoting workforce development and a respectful workplace, including gender equality

In 2023, the Agency continued supporting staff in strengthening their professional competencies, with a focus on leadership and managerial skills. More than 100 managers participated in a new Leadership Development Programme that was initiated in 2023, and almost 100 staff members took part in the Agency’s mentoring programme.

The Agency strengthened efforts to promote a respectful workplace, launching an online resource hub of relevant policies and a wide variety of learning materials and holding 31 training sessions with more than 1000 participants, including specially tailored training for senior managers, to raise awareness and build capacity to respond effectively to workplace issues.

In addition, several initiatives in support of the physical and mental wellbeing of staff were launched. They encompassed preventative care, vaccination campaigns, awareness-raising and training courses.

The Agency’s work is underpinned by an organizational culture based on integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity. In 2023, the Ethics function delivered a range of training sessions aimed at ensuring that staff and others understand and demonstrate the Agency’s core values and standards of conduct, including respect for diversity and gender equality.

Further progress was made in 2023 towards achieving the goal set by the Director General in 2020 to reach gender parity in the Professional and higher categories by 2025. By the end of 2023, the percentage of women in the Professional and higher categories was 44.3%, and in senior management positions (D level or higher) it had reached 50% — a significant milestone.

Building on the Agency-wide gender mainstreaming approach, a practical guide aiming to facilitate the integration of gender considerations in the development of Country Programme Frameworks (CPFs) was prepared. The guide aims to promote equality in outcomes for women and men as participants in and beneficiaries of the technical cooperation (TC) programme. In the area of capacity building, a roster of gender mainstreaming trainers was made available to support internal training in each Department and the Technical Cooperation Orientation Workshop now includes a dedicated session entitled ‘Gender Aspects and Policy Embedded in the TC Programme’.

Providing an enabling working environment remained an area of focus. An enhanced parental leave policy was introduced and a new nursing room, supplying suitable facilities for lactation, was made available in the Vienna International Centre. In addition, in line with its commitment to gender equality and anti-discrimination, the Agency joined the UN initiative UNiTE to End Violence against Women, to address gender-based violence.

Responsive programme delivery through process optimization and innovation

Leveraging technology, the Agency streamlined administrative processes, increased efficiency and optimized the delivery of programmes:

  • IAEA Data Platform launched to centralize access to publicly shared datasets;
  • ISO/IEC 27001 certification attained for the Agency’s information security management system;
  • ISO 14001:2015 certification attained by the Publishing Section for its environmental management system for sustainable publishing;
  • Emergency procurement and logistics task force created to manage critical responses, including for Libya, Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye and Ukraine;
  • Procurement processes streamlined and long term strategic supplier agreements established to enable fast delivery of equipment to end users.

Partnership and resource mobilization

In 2023, the Agency continued providing support to Member States, including through major initiatives focusing on key areas of the applications of nuclear science and technology. Notably, the Director General placed additional emphasis on areas such as cancer care and women in nuclear, through the Rays of Hope initiative, the IAEA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme and the Lise Meitner Programme, and on support to Ukraine.

The Agency continued to leverage CPFs for establishing partnership and results matrices to support Member States in the process of identifying potential partners for the implementation of projects aimed at achieving national development priorities. This approach also applied to the Agency’s support for efforts under regional cooperative agreements to establish partnerships and mobilize resources for related TC projects. Such arrangements will help ensure sustainability and will encourage ownership of and commitment to TC activities under the regional agreements’ portfolios.

In 2023, there was a large increase in the number of partnerships established, highlighting growing interest in the Agency. As a result of the synergies between participating partners and their common objective to create measurable impact, the Agency reached significant milestones in 2023.

Outreach and communication

The Agency provided objective, accurate and timely information about its work and nuclear developments and remained the leading publisher in the nuclear field. In 2023, the Agency continued promoting multilingualism, as the availability of information and communication materials in multiple languages enhances the Agency’s reach.

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