Seibersdorf Facilities and Laboratories

In Seibersdorf, Austria, the Agency runs eight nuclear applications laboratories focusing on food and agriculture, human health, environmental monitoring and assessment, and nuclear instrumentation and accelerator applications, along with two safeguards analytical laboratories. In 2014, work commenced to comprehensively renovate the nuclear applications laboratories, established in 1962, and in 2023, a new training centre for nuclear security was integrated into the Seibersdorf complex.


The final phase of the Renovation of the Nuclear Applications Laboratories (ReNuAL) initiative, known as ReNuAL2, involves the construction of a new laboratories building to house the three laboratories not yet modernized during ReNuAL’s earlier phase; the replacement of ageing greenhouses; and the refurbishment of the Dosimetry Laboratory.

In 2023, significant progress was achieved under ReNuAL2. Work started on the construction of the new laboratories building and the refurbishment of the Dosimetry Laboratory. All major fundraising was also completed, leading to the signing of a contract with a specialized company to replace the ageing greenhouses.

Once completed, the ReNuAL initiative, at an overall cost of around €94 million, will deliver high-quality modern facilities for all eight of the Agency’s nuclear applications laboratories in Seibersdorf. This will greatly expand the Agency’s capacities to help Member States address challenges in food and agriculture, human health and environmental management.

New laboratories building.

Early 2023: Construction of new laboratories building begins.

October 2023: Shell of laboratories building completed and contract for new greenhouses signed, with all three primary components of ReNuAL2 fully funded and under contract.

November 2023: Director General announces completion of all major fundraising for ReNuAL2.

By end of 2023: €29 million in extrabudgetary contributions provided to ReNuAL2 by 37 Member States.

Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Centre

In October 2023, the Agency opened its Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Centre (NSTDC) at the new Multipurpose Building in Seibersdorf. As the first international facility of its kind, the centre supports growing efforts to tackle global nuclear terrorism.

The Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Centre (NSTDC).

The NSTDC was inaugurated on 3 October 2023.

More than €18 million in extrabudgetary funding from 15 donors, as well as in-kind contributions, were received to build and operate the Multipurpose Building.

In the first 3 months of operation, 14 events were conducted and 346 participants were trained.

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