Together for More Women in Nuclear

The Agency works to address the under-representation of women in the nuclear field through the IAEA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) and the Lise Meitner Programme (LMP). By enabling more women to enter and pursue careers in the nuclear field, these programmes help to build the future nuclear workforce.

The Lise Meitner Programme surpassed all my expectations. It was truly a transformational experience both on a professional and personal level.
Maria Emilia Sabbatini, 2023 Lise Meitner Programme visiting professional from Argentina

Established in 2020, the MSCFP provides scholarships for relevant master’s degrees and opportunities to complete internships, participate in technical events and join the MSCFP Student and Alumni LinkedIn Group. By the end of 2023, there were 560 MSCFP fellows, of whom 173 had completed their master’s studies. Of these graduates, 93 progressed to internships facilitated by the Agency while others pursued doctoral studies or employment.

Launched in 2023, the LMP provides women working in the nuclear sector in the early and middle stages of their careers with career development opportunities through a visiting professional programme. Participants gain valuable technical experience in different facilities, focused on their area of expertise, and enhance their leadership and other soft skills. The first two LMP cohorts were hosted in 2023 by North Carolina State University and Oak Ridge and Idaho National Laboratories in the United States of America and were focused on NPP operation. Other countries have also expressed interest in hosting the programme.

As of December 2023, the MSCFP had received pledges amounting to €11.4 million and in-kind contributions for 73 students. Donors include Member States, the European Union, private sector partners and academic institutions.

LMP is funded by extrabudgetary financial and in-kind contributions. The funding requirement per visit is between €150 000 and €200 000. The first two visits were funded by the United States of America.

The Director General meeting Marie Skłodowska-Curie Scholarship fellows from Pakistan, February 2023.

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