IAEA Platform on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications
The IAEA Platform on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications (SMR Platform) has been serving as a focal point for the Agency’s activities in this field and providing coordinated support and expertise from across the Agency since 2021.
“The IAEA support for Jordan’s nuclear programme, particularly the SMR project, is highly valued and plays a pivotal role in enhancing our capabilities and advancing our endeavours. We eagerly anticipate continued collaboration with the IAEA across all aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
The SMR Platform reviews all requests for Agency support submitted by Member States and other stakeholders in the area of small modular reactors (SMRs) and their applications, identifying the best approaches and mechanisms to address them in a consistent and coordinated manner. It also provides a framework for relevant Agency experts to collaborate and share information on their activities.
In 2023, the Platform addressed requests from the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Cote D’Ivoire, India, Poland, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the World Association of Nuclear Operators. Among other things, an expert mission was carried out to Jordan to review pre-feasibility study reports on SMR deployment for desalination and 16 technical cooperation project activities were conducted, including an interregional event on technology development and applications of SMRs in Sanya, China.
In November 2023, the International Symposium on the Deployment of Floating Nuclear Power Plants – Benefits and Challenges was organized, which enhanced knowledge and understanding in relation to floating NPP designs, relevant legal, safety and security aspects and licensing approaches.
The Platform developed a high-level action plan to implement its Medium Term Strategy (2022–2029) for providing systematic and comprehensive support to Member States on SMRs and their applications. The action plan will help Member States to become knowledgeable customers and make an informed decision about whether to embark on or expand SMRbased nuclear power programmes.

The Director General at the opening of the International Symposium on the Deployment of Floating Nuclear Power Plants – Benefits and Challenges, November 2023.