The IAEA Comprehensive Capacity-Building Initiative for SSACs and SRAs (COMPASS), building on other safeguards-related support that the Agency provides, assists States in their efforts to strengthen and sustain the effectiveness of their State system of accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSAC) and their State or regional authority responsible for safeguards implementation (SRA).
“The COMPASS initiative has been a game changer for Malaysia. It really helped us to identify the gaps in safeguards implementation. In two years, COMPASS helped us review safeguards regulations, develop technical guidelines and license conditions, and also enhance the training within the national safeguards authority.
In March 2023, the Agency concluded the pilot phase of COMPASS, with capacity-building activities implemented in seven participating States on the basis of their specific needs. COMPASS has provided multifaceted assistance, including in the areas of outreach to national stakeholders; legal and regulatory frameworks; training; information technology; procurement; and expertise. Partners from several Member States supported the implementation of the pilot phase financially and/or in kind.
Implementation proceeded in accordance with seven agreed work plans that provided a framework of cooperation with each pilot State, including a defined timeline for activities and their expected outcomes. During the pilot phase, a total of 96 activities were conducted by the Agency, including many in cooperation with the implementing partners mentioned above.
COMPASS assistance greatly benefitted the pilot States by strengthening their SSAC and SRA, particularly in relation to their legal and regulatory frameworks, enhancing outreach and staff capacity building, and improving their technical capabilities. COMPASS also benefitted the Agency by providing a mechanism through which it was able to enhance its collaboration with the pilot States. In addition, joint implementation of assistance activities with partners allowed the Agency to leverage the experience and expertise of these States, encouraging peer-to-peer support coordinated by the Agency.
Building on the experience gained from the pilot phase and lessons learned, the Agency is integrating COMPASS into the suite of safeguards assistance it provides to States.