Nuclear Power Around the World

For a third successive year, the Agency revised upwards its annual projections for the potential growth of nuclear power in the coming decades.

In its new outlook for global nuclear capacity for electricity generation, the Agency increased its low case projection to 458 GW(e) by 2050, representing a significant increase of 55 GW(e) compared to the 2022 projection. Likewise, the high case projection increased to 890 GW(e) by 2050, up from 873 GW(e) in 2022 and representing a 175 GW increase compared to 2020. For these projections to be realized, there would need to be large scale implementation of long term operation across the existing fleet and more than 600 GW(e) of new build in the coming three decades.

Kenya acknowledges the positive contribution of nuclear power in climate change mitigation and energy security. We are pleased to inform that we have made significant progress in the introduction of nuclear power in our energy mix. We anticipate actualize our nuclear power programme by 2034, and we will continue to partner with the Agency in developing nuclear related infrastructure.
Justus Wabuyabo, Chief Executive Officer of Kenya’s Nuclear Power and Energy Agency

By the end of 2023, some 50 Member States had expressed interest in nuclear power as a potentially beneficial option and approximately 30 were in various phases of the Milestones approach.

The Agency continued its assistance to newcomer countries in 2023, conducting a Phase 1 Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) mission to Estonia in October, which focused on the development of infrastructure required to support the deployment of SMRs in the country, and an INIR Phase 1 follow-up mission to Kazakhstan in March.

The Agency launched the International Network on Innovation to Support Operating Nuclear Power Plants, under the auspices of which a working group on artificial intelligence has been piloted since mid-2022. By the end of 2023, the working group comprised more than 60 active members from utilities, research organizations, academia and regulators.

To ensure consistent and coordinated support and outreach activities for stakeholder engagement, the Agency prepared a two-year roadmap of events, with the first event — a workshop on reimagining nuclear energy —held in April 2023. The workshop discussed the creation of a new image for nuclear energy.

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