General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC36


Information Documents

GC36List of Participations РInformation received by 5pm on 18 August 1992PDF iconGC(36)/INF/313
GC36Statement of financial contributions to the AgencyPDF iconGC(36)/INF/314/Rev.2
GC36Statement of financial contributions to the Agency as at 18 September 1992 РNote by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(36)/INF/314

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC36Application by the Republic of Croatia for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(36)/RES/573
GC36Application by the Republic of Slovenia for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(36)/RES/574
GC36Application by the Republic of Uzbekistan for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(36)/RES/575
GC36Participation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)PDF iconGC(36)/RES/576
GC36South Africa's nuclear capabilitiesPDF iconGC(36)/RES/577
GC36Examination of delegate's credentialsPDF iconGC(36)/RES/578
GC36Iraq's non-compliance with its safeguards obligationsPDF iconGC(36)/RES/579
GC36The Agency's accounts for 1991PDF iconGC(36)/RES/580
GC36Harmony and compatibility of programme and budget and accounts documentsPDF iconGC(36)/RES/581
GC36Measures to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear safety and radiological protectionPDF iconGC(36)/RES/582
GC36Revision of the Basic Safety Standards for radiation protectionPDF iconGC(36)/RES/583
GC36Education and training in radiation protection and nuclear safetyPDF iconGC(36)/RES/584
GC36Liability for nuclear damagePDF iconGC(36)/RES/585
GC36Strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards systemPDF iconGC(36)/RES/586
GC36Strengthening of the Agency's main activitiesPDF iconGC(36)/RES/587
GC36Practical utilization of food irradiation in developing countriesPDF iconGC(36)/RES/588
GC36The financing of safeguardsPDF iconGC(36)/RES/589
GC36The financing of safeguardsPDF iconGC(36)/RES/590
GC36The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(36)/RES/591
GC36Plan for producing potable water economicallyPDF iconGC(36)/RES/592
GC36Regular budget appropriations for 1993PDF iconGC(36)/RES/593
GC36Technical assistance and co-operation fund allocation for 1993PDF iconGC(36)/RES/594
GC36The Working Capital Fund in 1993PDF iconGC(36)/RES/595
GC36Appropriations in the Agency's BudgetPDF iconGC(36)/RES/596
GC36Scale of assessment of members' contributions for 1993PDF iconGC(36)/RES/597
GC36Staffing of the Agency's SecretariatPDF iconGC(36)/RES/598
GC36Women in the secretariatPDF iconGC(36)/RES/599
GC36Amendment of article VI of the StatutePDF iconGC(36)/RES/600
GC36Application of IAEA safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(36)/RES/601

Decisions of the General Conference

GC36Election of the PresidentPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/1
GC36Election of the Vice-PresidentsPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/2
GC36Election of the Chairman of the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(36)/DEC/3
GC36Election Of additional members Of The General CommitteePDF iconGC(36)/DEC/4
GC36Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussionPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/5
GC36Closing date of the sessionPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/6
GC36Opening date of the thirty seventh (1993) regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(36)/DEC/7
GC36Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/8
GC36Israeli nuclear capabilities and threatPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/9
GC36Convention on the physical protection of nuclear materialPDF iconGC(36)/DEC/10
GC36Revision of Article VI of the Statute as a wholePDF iconGC(36)/DEC/11

Plenary Meetings

GC36Record of the three hundred and forty-third plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.343
GC36Thirty-sixth (1992) regular session- Record of the three hundred and forty-fourth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.344
GC36Thirty-sixth (1992) regular session- Record of the three hundred and forty-fifth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.345
GC36Thirty-sixth (1992) regular session- Record of the three hundred and forty-sixth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.346
GC36Thirty-sixth (1992) regular session- Record of the three hundred and forty-sixth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.346/Corr.1
GC36Thirty-sixth (1992) regular session- Record of the three hundred and forty-seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.347
GC36Thirty-sixth (1992) regular session- Record of the three hundred and forty-eighth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(36)/OR.348

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