GC54 |
Information Documents |
GC54 | Amendment to Article XIV.A of the Statute | GC(54)/INF/8 |
GC54 | Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency - Report by the Director General | GC(54)/INF/9 |
GC54 | Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency - Report by the Director General | GC(54)/INF/9/Rev.1 |
GC54 | Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency - Report by the Director General | GC(54)/INF/9/Rev.2 |
GC54 | Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency - Report by the Director General | GC(54)/INF/9/Rev.2/Corr.1 |
GC54 | Report on Measures Taken to Facilitate Payment of Contributions and Status Report on Member States Participating in Payment Plan - Report by the Director General | GC(54)/INF/10 |
GC54 | Text of Communication dated 2 September 2010 received from the Permanent Mission of the Iraq | GC(54)/INF/11 |
GC54 | Text of communication dated 30 August 2010 received from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Organizations concerning restoration of voting rights | GC(54)/INF/12 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC54 | Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Kingdom of Swaziland - Resolution adopted on 20 September 2010 during the first plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/1 |
GC54 | The Agency's Accounts for 2009 - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/2 |
GC54 | Regular Budget Appropriations for 2011 - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/3 |
GC54 | Technical Cooperation Fund Allocation for 2011 - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/4 |
GC54 | The Working Capital Fund in 2011 - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/5 |
GC54 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions towards the Regular Budget for 2011 - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/6 |
GC54 | Measures to strengthen international cooperation in nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/7 |
GC54 | Nuclear security - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/8 |
GC54 | Strengthening of the Agency's technical cooperation activities - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/9 |
GC54 | Strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/10 |
GC54 | Strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system and application of the Model Additional Protocol - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/11 |
GC54 | Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the ninth plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/12 |
GC54 | Application of IAEA safeguards in the Middle East - Resolution adopted on 24 September 2010 during the ninth plenary meeting | GC(54)/RES/13 |
Decisions of the General Conference |
GC54 | Message to the UN-MDG High-level Plenary Meeting in New York - Decision adopted on 20 September 2010 during the first plenary meeting | GC(54)/DEC/8 |
GC54 | Amendment of Article XIV.A of the Statute - Decision adopted on 24 September 2010 during the eleventh plenary meeting | GC(54)/DEC/11 |
Plenary Meetings |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the First Meeting | GC(54)/OR.1 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Second Meeting | GC(54)/OR.2 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Third Meeting | GC(54)/OR.3 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Fourth Meeting | GC(54)/OR.4 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Fifth Meeting | GC(54)/OR.5 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Sixth Meeting | GC(54)/OR.6 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Seventh Meeting | GC(54)/OR.7 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Eighth Meeting | GC(54)/OR.8 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Ninth Meeting | GC(54)/OR.9 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Tenth Meeting | GC(54)/OR.10 |
GC54 | Plenary - Record of the Eleventh Meeting | GC(54)/OR.11 |
Committee of the Whole |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the First Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.1 |
GC54 | Provisional Agenda for the First Meeting in Meeting Room M 6 in Building M | GC(54)/GEN/1 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Second Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.2 |
GC54 | Provisional Agenda for the Second Meeting of the General Committee in Meeting Room M 6 in Building M | GC(54)/GEN/2 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Third Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.3 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Fourth Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.4 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Fifth Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.5 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole -Record of the Sixth Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.6 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Seventh Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.7 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Eighth Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.8 |
GC54 | Committee of the Whole - Record of the Ninth Meeting | GC(54)/COM.5/OR.9 |
General Committee |
GC54 | General Committee - Record of the First Meeting | GC(54)/GEN/OR.1 |
GC54 | General Committee - Record of the Second Meeting | GC(54)/GEN/OR.2 |
GC54 | Resolutions and Other Decisions of the General Conference | GC(54)/RES/DEC(2010) |