GC27 |
Reports to the Conference |
GC27 | Review of the Agency's activities - Draft resolution... | GC(27)/710 |
Information Documents |
GC27 | The Agency's Technical Co-operation activities in 1982 - Report by the Director General | GC(27)/INF/212 |
GC27 | Advance information for Delegations | GC(27)/INF/213 |
GC27 | The International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management | GC(27)/INF/214 |
GC27 | Addendum to list of Participants | GC(27)/INF/215/Rev.3/Add.1 |
GC27 | List of Participants | GC(27)/INF/215 |
GC27 | List of Participants | GC(27)/INF/215/Rev.1 |
GC27 | List of Participants | GC(27)/INF/215/Rev.2 |
GC27 | List of Participants | GC(27)/INF/215/Rev.3 |
GC27 | List of Participants | GC(27)/INF/215/Rev.4 |
GC27 | Information for Delegations | GC(27)/INF/216 |
GC27 | Statement of financial contributions to the Agency as at 7 October 1983 - Note by the Director General | GC(27)/INF/217 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC27 | Application for membership of the Agency. Application by the People's Republic of China | GC(27)/RES/405 |
GC27 | Examination of delegates' credentials | GC(27)/RES/406 |
GC27 | General debate and annual report for 1982 | GC(27)/RES/407 |
GC27 | General debate and annual report for 1982. South Africa's Nuclear Capabilities | GC(27)/RES/408 |
GC27 | Consequences of the Israeli military attack on the Iraqi nuclear research reactor and the standing threat to repeat this attack | GC(27)/RES/409 |
GC27 | Application for membership of the Agency. Chinese as working language of the General Conference | GC(27)/RES/410 |
GC27 | The Agency's accounts for 1982 | GC(27)/RES/411 |
GC27 | The Agency's budget for 1984. Regular budget appropriations for 1984 | GC(27)/RES/412 |
GC27 | The Agency's budget for 1984. Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund allocation for 1984 | GC(27)/RES/413 |
GC27 | The Agency's budget for 1984. The Working Capital Fund in 1984 | GC(27)/RES/414 |
GC27 | The Agency's budget for 1984. The International Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material | GC(27)/RES/415 |
GC27 | The financing of safeguards. Revised arrangements for the assessment of Members' contributions towards the Agency's regular budget | GC(27)/RES/416 |
GC27 | Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1984 | GC(27)/RES/417 |
GC27 | The financing of technical assistance | GC(27)/RES/418 |
GC27 | Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat | GC(27)/RES/419 |
GC27 | Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute | GC(27)/RES/420 |
GC27 | Review of the Agency's activities | GC(27)/RES/421 |
Decisions of the General Conference |
GC27 | Election of the President | GC(27)/DEC/1 |
GC27 | Election of the Vice-Presidents | GC(27)/DEC/2 |
GC27 | Election of the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole | GC(27)/DEC/3 |
GC27 | Appointment of the General Committee | GC(27)/DEC/4 |
GC27 | Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussion | GC(27)/DEC/5 |
GC27 | Closing date of the session | GC(27)/DEC/6 |
GC27 | Opening date of the twenty-eighth regular session of the General Conference | GC(27)/DEC/7 |
GC27 | Appointment of the External Auditor | GC(27)/DEC/8 |
GC27 | Elections to the Agency's Staff Pension Committee | GC(27)/DEC/9 |
GC27 | Election of Members to the Board of Governors | GC(27)/DEC/10 |
Plenary Meetings |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and forty-seventh plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.247 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and forty-eighth plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.248 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and forty-ninth plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.249 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fiftieth plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.250 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fifty-first plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.251 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fifty-second plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.252 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fifty-third plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.253 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fifty-fourth plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.254 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fifty-fifth plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.255 |
GC27 | Record of the two hundred and fifty-sixth plenary Meeting | GC(27)/OR.256 |
Committee of the Whole |
GC27 | Committee of the Whole - Provisional record of the thirty-first Meeting | GC(27)/COM.5/OR.31 |