GC02 |
Information Documents |
GC02 | Members of the Agency. List of 20 September 1958 | GC(02)/INF/10/Rev.5 |
GC02 | Members of the Agency. List of 31 July 1958 | GC(02)/INF/10/Rev.4 |
GC02 | Members of the Agency. List of 31 May 1958 | GC(02)/INF/10/Rev.3 |
GC02 | Members of the Agency - List of 31 October 1957 | GC(02)/INF/10 |
GC02 | Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations covering the period up to 31 October 1957 | GC(02)/INF/11 |
GC02 | Agreement governing the relationship between the Agency and the United Nations - Approval by the General Assembly of the United Nations | GC(02)/INF/12 |
GC02 | The acceptance and supply by the Agency of fissionable, source and other materials | GC(02)/INF/13 |
GC02 | Headquarters agreement between the Agency and the government of Austria | GC(02)/INF/14 |
GC02 | Hotel accommodation for delegations - Note by the Secretariat | GC(02)/INF/15 |
GC02 | Rules of Procedure | GC(02)/INF/16 |
GC02 | Rules of Procedure - Completion of Rule 1 | GC(02)/INF/16/Add.1 |
GC02 | Delegations - Corrigendum | GC(02)/INF/17/Rev.3/Corr.1 |
GC02 | Delegations - List of 16 September 1958 | GC(02)/INF/17 |
GC02 | Delegations - List of 20 September 1938 | GC(02)/INF/17/Rev.1 |
GC02 | Delegations - List of 23 September 1958 | GC(02)/INF/17/Rev.2 |
GC02 | Delegations - List of 3 October 1958 | GC(02)/INF/17/Rev.3 |
GC02 | Report of the mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency to Latin America in regard to the technical aspects of the establishment of a possible Atomic Energy Training Centre or Centres - Note by the Director General | GC(02)/INF/19 |
Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference |
GC02 | Report of the Credentials Committee. Credentials of delegates to the second regular session of the General Conference | GC(02)/RES/17 |
GC02 | Measures to obtain voluntary contributions to the General Fund including the calling of a pledging conference. Establishment of a Special Committee on Pledges of Voluntary Contributions to the General Fund | GC(02)/RES/18 |
GC02 | Second report to the United Nations General Assembly (1957-58). Second report of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the General Assembly of the United Nations | GC(02)/RES/19 |
GC02 | Rules on the consultative status of non-governmental organizations with the Agency. Grant of consultative status to non-governmental organizations | GC(02)/RES/20 |
GC02 | Relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of intergovernmental organizations at the third regular session | GC(02)/RES/21 |
GC02 | Relations with specialized agencies | GC(02)/RES/22 |
GC02 | Rules regarding the acceptance of voluntary contributions to the General Fund. Rules regarding the acceptance of voluntary contributions to the Agency | GC(02)/RES/23 |
GC02 | Arrangements for a possible report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations before the third regular session of the General Conference. Arrangements for the Agency to report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations | GC(02)/RES/24 |
GC02 | Programme, budget and Working Capital Fund for 1959. Budgetary appropriations for the expenses of the Agency in 1959 | GC(02)/RES/25 |
GC02 | Programme, budget and Working Capital Fund for 1959. Use of the Working Capital Fund in 1959 | GC(02)/RES/26 |
GC02 | Programme, budget and Working Capital Fund for 1959. Assistance to less developed countries | GC(02)/RES/27 |
GC02 | Programme, budget and Working Capital Fund for 1959. Programme of the Agency in the organization of scientific conferences and symposia in 1959 | GC(02)/RES/28 |
GC02 | Programme, budget and Working Capital Fund for 1959. Utilization by the Agency of the services and experience of existing research centres and of other sources of information; training of specialists in the use of isotopes in agriculture and medicine | GC(02)/RES/29 |
GC02 | Use of the Working Capital Fund in 1958 | GC(02)/RES/30 |
GC02 | Scale of Members' contributions. Final scale of contributions for 1958 | GC(02)/RES/31 |
GC02 | Scale of Members' contributions. Provisional scale of contributions for 1959 | GC(02)/RES/32 |
GC02 | Scale of Members' contributions. Recommendation on future scales of assessment | GC(02)/RES/33 |
GC02 | Possible participation of the Agency in the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance | GC(02)/RES/34 |
GC02 | Report of the Credentials Committee. Credentials of delegates to the second regular session of the General Conference | GC(02)/RES/35 |
GC02 | Measures to obtain voluntary contributions to the General Fund including the calling of a pledging conference. Financing of the operational part of the Agency's budget for 1959 | GC(02)/RES/36 |
Plenary Meetings |
GC02 | Draft agenda for the third meeting - Draft... | GC(02)/GEN/3 |
GC02 | Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items to Committees - Memorandum by the Director General | GC(02)/GEN/4 |
GC02 | Official record of the fourteenth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.14 |
GC02 | Official record of the fifteenth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.15 |
GC02 | Official record of the sixteenth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.16 |
GC02 | Official record of the seventeenth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.17 |
GC02 | Official record of the eighteenth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.18 |
GC02 | Official record of the nineteenth meeting | GC(02)/OR.19 |
GC02 | Official record of the twentieth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.20 |
GC02 | Official record of the twenty-first Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.21 |
GC02 | Official record of the twenty-second Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.22 |
GC02 | Official record of the twenty-third Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.23 |
GC02 | Official record of the twenty-fourth Plenary Meeting | GC(02)/OR.24 |