General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC01 | Documents


Reports to the Conference

GC01REPORT of the Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency New York, 1957PDF iconGC(01)/1
GC01Permanent rules of procedure for the General Conference - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(01)/34

Information Documents

GC01List of Main Documents prepared by the Preparatory CommissionPDF iconGC(01)/INF/1
GC01Draft Provisional Financial Regulations recommended by the Preparatory Commission for Agency - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(01)/INF/2
GC01Agreement between the Government of Austria and the Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency concerning arrangements in Vienna for the Preparatory Commission and the First General Conference of the AgencyPDF iconGC(01)/INF/3
GC01First provisional list of delegationsPDF iconGC(01)/INF/4
GC01Fourth provisional list of delegationsPDF iconGC(01)/INF/4/Rev.3
GC01Second provisional list of delegationsPDF iconGC(01)/INF/4/Rev.1
GC01Second provisional list of delegationsPDF iconGC(01)/INF/4/Rev.2
GC01Scale of Members' contributions to the Agency - Information submitted by the United NationsPDF iconGC(01)/INF/5
GC01List of delegatesPDF iconGC(01)/INF/6
GC01Provisional rules of procedure of the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(01)/INF/7
GC01Programmes of the Specialized Agencies relating to the Peaceful Uses of Atomic EnergyPDF iconGC(01)/INF/8

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