Fostering information exchange and collaborative research and development for advanced nuclear reactor technologies, this Section provides information to the IAEA’s Member States on technology status and development trends for advanced reactor systems and their applications.
Nuclear Power Technology Development Section
Advanced Water Cooled Reactors
With the goal to achieve high efficiency and competitive economics in future Water Cooled Reactors, the Section works with Member States on technology advances and innovations and organizes training events for nuclear professionals in state-of-the-art technology. It also delivers to Members States comprehensive and up-to-date information about evolutionary nuclear power plant designs and innovative reactor concepts.
Advanced technology for fast reactors
The Section also covers all technical aspects of current, evolutionary and innovative fast reactors and the research and development, design, deployment and operation of subcritical hybrid systems. It offers the largest international forum for exchange of information in the area of fast neutron systems.
High temperature reactors
Coordinating and supporting research in several technology development areas of high temperature reactors, the Section facilitates information exchange and knowledge management. It supports studies to show the potential of high temperature reactors to provide process heat and high efficiency, and therefore cost-effective, electricity generation.
Small and medium-sized or modular reactors (SMRs)
The Section supports Member States in identifying and developing small and medium-sized or modular reactor technologies that fulfil the need for flexible power generation for a wider range of users and applications. It helps develop roadmaps and recommendations that focus on the needs of countries embarking on nuclear power programmes.
Non-electric applications of Nuclear Power
The Section supports Member States in the development of new and emerging applications of nuclear technologies and the exchange of information on non-electric applications, such as nuclear desalination, hydrogen production or the efficient water management of nuclear power plants.