This event highlighted the latest IAEA safety related activities on novel advanced reactors, including Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and the SMR Regulators’ Forum. It covered a wide range of topics; from licensing to the applicability of IAEA safety standards to these technologies including siting, design, commissioning and operation; and the development of a technology-neutral safety assessment framework. A panel of senior regulators considered how the IAEA activities and future plans could best support them to address the issues they are facing on the regulatory assessment of these technologies.
Webinars: Nuclear Installation safety
Webinar Series on Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Regulators’ Forum Phase 3 Reports
This webinar series is implemented with the aim to disseminate the main findings obtained by the Working Groups of the SMR Regulator’s Forum during its Phase 3 (2021 to 2023) on key challenges that may emerge in future SMR regulatory discussions, helping, consequently, regulators to enhance safety and efficiency in SMR regulation, including licensing.
- Manufacturing, Construction, Commissioning and Operation (MCCO) Working Group (5 April 2024)
Design and Safety Analysis (DSA) Working Group (3 May 2024)
Licensing Issues Working Group (18 June 2024)
Webinar on Technical Safety Review (TSR): A key IAEA Peer Review mission for current nuclear power reactors and SMRs
The purpose of this webinar is to present the experiences in, and lessons learned from, the implementation of recent Technical Safety Review (TSR) peer review services for current nuclear power reactors and SMRs and the usage of this service in support of various needs of Requesting Parties. The webinar will also provide a forum for information exchange among Member States and offer guidance to potential requesting parties.
Webinar on Operating Experience from Construction to Commissioning for Nuclear Safety
As countries embark on nuclear power plant (NPP) construction projects, new sources of operating experience and lessons learned are emerging as resources for future projects. This webinar will provide insights from Lessons learned from the Construction and Commissioning phases from NPP projects including Olkiluoto 3, Vogtle 3 &4, and recent construction in China. Invited representatives will be sharing examples on this topical area and discussing why operating experience is valuable in the construction and commissioning of a nuclear power plant with interested stakeholders.
Webinar on Recent Advances in Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment for Nuclear Installations in Light of Geological Reconnaissance Findings
This webinar will present the important geological reconnaissance findings after the 2023 Kahramanmaras-Turkiye earthquake sequence, including mapped principal and distributed fault ruptures and the consistency of their distribution with the active fault maps. The IAEA guidance for probabilistic fault displacement hazard assessment (PFDHA), will be introduced by presenting the benchmark cases and comparison of hazard assessment results. Finally, the possible contribution of the recent seismic events to the practice of fault displacement hazard assessment will also be discussed.
Webinar on Applicability of IAEA Safety Standards to the Safe Operation and Regulation of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs including SMRs
The IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security (with involvement from the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy) has completed a high-level review of applicability of the IAEA safety standards to evolutionary and innovative designs (EIDs) including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), high temperature gas cooled reactors (HTGR), sodium fast reactors (SFR), lead fast reactors (LFR), molten salt reactors (MSR), and transportable NPPs (TNPPs).
The objective of this webinar is to inform interested stakeholders on the results of this review, focusing on the Operational and Regulatory Safety Standards.
Webinar on Operating Experience from Effective Management of Large Scale Nuclear Power Plant Projects
The objective of this webinar is to share lessons learned from the management of successful large scale nuclear power plant projects. Participants will be provided with information on the successful strategies implemented as well as challenges to avoid when embarking on large projects in their countries such as nuclear power plant construction.
Webinar on Application of a Graded Approach for SMRs Site Evaluation
The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview to interested stakeholders from industry and regulatory bodies of the outcomes of the application of a graded approach for site and design safety of SMRs, considering site-installation interactions; serve as discussion forum on this subject area and promote the holistic approach utilizing a risk- informed and performance-based process, which includes in site selection, site evaluation and design against external hazards for small modular reactors (SMRs) and to provide an overview of the other IAEA activities in this area.
Webinar on the Implementation and Enhancement of the IAEA’s Technical Safety Review Service
The purpose of this webinar is to present the experiences in, and lessons learned from, the implementation of recent Technical Safety Review (TSR) services and to provide a forum for information exchange among Member States. The current needs in relation to TSRs for operating and new reactors, including small modular reactors (SMRs) and those with innovative designs will be discussed during this webinar session.
Webinar on Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces and Challenges for Novel Advanced Reactors
The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview to interested stakeholders from industry and regulatory bodies of the outcomes of the IAEA activity on safety, security and safeguards considerations for NARs, covering challenges and interfaces. Furthermore it will serve as a forum for discussions and promote the holistic approach towards safety, security and safeguards in early design stages of NARs and present an overview of other IAEA activities in this area.
Webinar on IAEA Applicability of IAEA Safety Standards to the Design of Novel Advanced Reactors including SMRs
This webinar will provide an overview to interested stakeholders from industry and regulatory bodies of the outcomes of the review of applicability of IAEA Safety Standards to NARs, with focus on the design safety and give an insight of the activities that the IAEA has planned to address the findings of the review and produce additional guidance where needed.
GC65 Nuclear Safety and Security Side Event - Licensing Novel Advanced Reactors: Addressing the Challenges
Talks on Operational Safety
Participate in our free webinars on operational safety topics and take the opportunity to share experiences and learn from Senior Executives of top performing nuclear power plants and fleets in the nuclear industry.
Maintaining Nuclear Safety of Research Reactors During a Pandemic
This IAEA webinar will discuss some of the challenges faced by research reactors during the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures which have and are being adopted by operating organizations and by regulatory bodies to ensure safe and reliable operation.
Maintaining Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities During a Pandemic
This IAEA webinar will discuss some of the challenges faced by Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures which have and are being adopted by operating organizations and by regulatory bodies to ensure safe and reliable operation.
Expanding NPP Risk Assessment To Multi-Unit Context: Achievements And Challenges
This IAEA webinar presents results of recent IAEA project on Multi-unit (MU) Probabilistic Safety Assessment implemented by IAEA Division of Nuclear Installation Safety. The speakers will discuss the challenges and benefits of multi-unit risk assessment including risk-informed decision making and risk management in a multi-unit context.
Application of a Graded Approach in Regulating Nuclear Facilities
This IAEA webinar will provide an overview on the application of a graded approach in regulating nuclear installations including practical examples from experienced regulators. A graded approach is a structured method by means of which the stringency of application of requirements is varied in accordance with the circumstances at nuclear facilities.
Towards a Technology Neutral Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Framework: Applicability of IAEA Safety Standards to SMRs - Questionnaire to SMR Vendors
The IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security (with involvement from the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy) is developing a new safety report to provide a high-level mapping of applicability of various areas of the IAEA safety standards to Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), including water cooled SMR, high temperature gas cooled reactors (HTGR), sodium fast reactors (SFR), lead fast reactors (LFR), molten salt reactors (MSR), marine based SMRs and micro reactors, and identify areas of applicability and gaps.
The objective of this effort is to inform interested stakeholders on the future IAEA course of action on SMR safety. The first step is the comprehensive identification of areas of novelty of SMRs via a questionnaire to be distributed to SMR vendors listed in the 2020 Booklet published by IAEA Nuclear Energy.
The purpose of this IAEA webinar is to:
- Provide an overview to the SMR vendors on the scope of the New Safety Report under development "Towards a Technology Neutral Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Framework: Applicability of IAEA Safety Standards to SMRs";
- Provide an overview of the SMR questionnaire that is a key input to the safety report and an opportunity for vendors to ask questions on the questionnaire. SMR vendors will then be invited to fill this questionnaire.
Webinar on Experiences in Member States in Ensuring Safe, Secure and Reliable Operation of Nuclear and Radiation Facilities and Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (EVT2100907)
The purpose of this IAEA webinar is to share experiences and discuss preliminary lessons learned at nuclear and radiation facilities in managing the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar will also provide an opportunity to discuss considerations for the enhancement of preparation for, response to and recovery from the ongoing and future pandemics. The IAEA has developed a draft technical report summarizing experiences in Member States in ensuring safe, secure and reliable operation of nuclear and radiation facilities and activities during the COVID-19 pandemic - the report will be also presented to participants.