African Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA-NEST)

The African Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA-NEST) was established by the Africa Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA) to facilitate the implementation of its strategy on human resource development and nuclear knowledge management.

The main objective of AFRA-NEST is to facilitate operation and networking in higher education, training and related research in nuclear science and technology in the African region through:

Sharing information and resources on nuclear education and training;

  • Developing harmonized approaches for education in nuclear science and technology in Africa by establishing reference curricula and facilitating mutual recognition of degrees;
  • Promoting effective cooperation and sharing of resources and capabilities at national and regional level;
  • Facilitating the exchange of students, teachers and researchers;
  • Enabling communication between the network member organizations and other regional networks.

The key function of AFRA-NEST is to facilitate sustainable human resource development and nuclear knowledge management to meet the needs of IAEA Member States in the African region in their priority areas of non-power and power applications of nuclear energy. 

The Network’s mission comprises the following key elements:

  • Ensuring usage of ICT for web-based education and training;
  • Recognition of Regional Designated Centres (RDCs) for professional nuclear education in nuclear science and technology;
  • Organization of harmonized and accredited programs at tertiary levels; and
  • Awarding of fellowships/scholarships to young and brilliant students for teaching and research in various nuclear disciplines.

The Network helps integrate all available higher education capabilities in Africa, as well as the industries and nuclear professional associations, in synergy with other regional/international nuclear educational institutions.

AFRA-NEST also facilitates senior nuclear professionals in sharing their experience and knowledge with the young generation.

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