European Union co-funded projects
Cooperation in the field of Nuclear Safety
The IAEA, supported by supplementary funding provided under the European Commission’s Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC), is conducting projects to help Member States strengthen radiation protection, radioactive waste management, remediation practices and nuclear safety.
The projects also contribute to the INSC’s goals of promoting an effective nuclear safety culture and the implementation of nuclear safety standards and radiation protection measures, as well as responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, decommissioning and remediation of former nuclear sites and installations.
The projects include IAEA work to:
- Establish standards of safety and related guidance material and provide for their application through education and training, peer review and advisory services and the exchange of information.
- Promote and encourage the adherence to international instruments and conventions, including the Nuclear Safety Convention, the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management and the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its supplementary Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources.
IAEA Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) projects
The IAEA Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI), launched in 2010, has become instrumental in mobilizing extra-budgetary support for Agency activities in the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. The European Commission supported several PUI projects in the field of safety, including on topics such as safety assessment against different hazards, operational safety reviews, management of radioactive materials and radiation protection.
European Commission INSC-supported PUI projects completed in the field of safety
European Commission INSC-supported PUI projects completed in the field of safety include:
Projects conducted from November 2011 to November 2015 (Contribution Agreement 2011/268-525)
- Component 1 Provide expert advice to Central Asian countries affected by the legacy of uranium sites and reinforce regional and international cooperation in this matter (the Coordination Group for Uranium Legacy Sites (CGULS) project)
Projects conducted from June 2013 to June 2017 (Contribution Agreement 2013/313-757)
- A.1. Design Safety Assessment of Operating Facilities against extreme hazards
- A.2. Enhancing the operational safety review services for nuclear power plants
- B.1. Practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses at uranium mining and milling legacy sites
- B.2. Review of remediation plans and activities for uranium mining and milling sites
- B.3. Development of reference regulations for decommissioning
- B.4 (1) Occupational radiation protection and risk management for NPPs
- B.4 (2) Strengthening occupational radiation protection at future intensified activities to improve safety within nuclear facilities
- C.1. Identifying Safety and Regulatory Implications from the Fukushima Accident on IAEA Safety Standards and Safety Services
- C.2. Enhancing the Safety Assessment Capability and Oversight of Nuclear Installations
- C.3. Strengthening of an effective compliance assurance regime in transport of radioactive material in the European Southern neighbourhood region (Mediterranean Sea) and associated shipping states
- D.1. Strengthening and Harmonizing National Capabilities for Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies in Africa
- D.2. Strengthening and Harmonizing National Capabilities for Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies in Asia and the Pacific
- D.3: Strengthening of National Capabilities for Response to Radiation Emergencies
- E.1. Strengthening Radioactive Waste Management
- E.2. Strengthening the National Infrastructure and Regulatory Framework for the Protection of Public and the Environment for Safe Management of Radioactive Waste in Latin America
- E.3. Enhancing the National Regulatory Framework and Technological Capabilities for Radioactive Waste Management
- E.4. Promoting Safe and Efficient Clean-up of Radioactively Contaminated Facilities and sites
- F.1. Strengthening Education and Training Infrastructure, and Building Competence in Radiation Safety in Africa
- F.2. Promoting and Maintaining Regulatory Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation Sources in Asia and the Pacific
- F.3. Strengthening the Transfer of Experience Related to Occupational Radiation Protection in the Nuclear Industry and Mining and Milling Applications Involving Ionizing Radiation in Asia and the Pacific
- F.4. Strengthening an Effective Compliance Assurance Regime for the Transport of Radioactive Material in Asia and the Pacific
- F.5. Harmonizing Approaches and Measures for Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment in Line with the International Safety Standards in Asia and the Pacific
- F.6. Enhancing Nuclear Power Plant Life Management and Safety Culture Practices
IAEA-EC Delegation Agreement INSC/2016/378-378: Projects conducted from December 2016 to December 2020
- Project 1: Coordination Group for Uranium Legacy Sites (CGULS)
- Project 2: Responsible and Safe Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel
- Project 3: Develop Capacities to Improve Waste and Radiation Safety in Africa
- Project 4: Connect the Network of Networks to Enhance Communication and Training in Radioactive Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation – Phase II
- Project 5: Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources
- Project 6: Regional coordination of coastal EPR arrangements of the non-EU Mediterranean Member States for port and maritime radiological emergencies
Contribution Agreement ENER/2020/NUCL/SI2.841022: “EC-IAEA Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety – Integrated Regulatory Review Services (IRRS) and Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS) in the EU”, with implementation period 2020-2023.
IAEA-EC Delegation Agreement INSC/2019/401-343 for projects to be concluded by December 2025
- Project 1: Enhancing the Use of Seismic Experience Data
- Project 2: Improving Nuclear Safety for Embarking Countries: to Assist Member States in Developing Competencies for Reviewing the Site Evaluation Chapter of the Safety Analysis Report
- Project 3: International School of Nuclear and Radiological Leadership for Safety
- Project.4: Sustaining the Establishment of Education and Training in Radiation Safety in Africa
- Project.5: Contribution to Solid Radioactive Waste Management at the Vinca Site
IAEA-EC Delegation Agreement INSC/2023/441-950, signed in March 2023, with implementation period 2023-2026
- Project 1: Supporting Member States with the establishment of specific clearance levels to enable reuse and recycling of the large volumes of material arising from decommissioning and remediation activities
- Project 2: Coordinating the remediation of uranium legacy sites
- Project 3: Strengthening the function of Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF)
- PROJECT 4: Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources - Phase II (INT9186)
- PROJECT 5: Provision of Assistance to Ukraine in the Area of Nuclear Safety
IAEA-EC Contribution Agreement 700002263, signed in October 2024, with implementation period 2024-2027
- Project 1: Consideration of external events during the siting of radioactive waste disposal facilities
- Project 2: Supporting Nuclear Facilities as they Transition from Operations to Decommissioning
- Project 3: Strengthening Technical and Scientific Capabilities and Competences supporting Nuclear and Radiation Safety Regulatory Functions
- Project 4: IAEA School on Nuclear and Radiological Leadership for Safety
- Project 5: Cross-Sectoral holistic approach on Supporting Member States with Developing Regulatory Infrastructure for Radiation and Waste Safety
- Project 6: Develop, Promote and Conduct Peer Reviews and Advisory Services to Enhance National Infrastructure for Radiation and Waste Safety
- Project 7: Global Governance through Promotion and Implementation of the Legal International Instruments Relevant to Radioactive Waste and Sources
- Project 8: Provision of Assistance to Ukraine in the Area of Nuclear Safety
- Project 9: Strengthening the Implementation of Basic Safety Standards and Radioactive Waste Management — Phase II (AFRA)
- Project 10: Improving Environmental Monitoring and Assessment for Radiation Protection in the Region
Contribution Agreement NDICI FPN FPI/2022/438-861 “Support to the safe discharge of ALPS-treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant”, with implementation period 2023-2026.
IAEA-EC Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety (MC.01a/09 Contract No 2010/244-291)
EU Internal Action:
- IAEA-EC Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety – Integrated Regulatory Review Services in the EU (ENER/11/NUCL.SI2.588-650) (2011- 2015)
- IAEA-EC Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety – Integrated Regulatory Review Services in the EU (ENER/2016/NUCL/SI2.740-500) (2016 - 2020)
- Safety and Waste Management (the Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation - ARTEMIS) from (ENER/2014/NUCL/SI2.695-259) (2014 - 2020)
Cooperation in the field of Nuclear Security
The EU supports IAEA activities in the area of nuclear security in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. This support is provided through the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP), managed under the strategy and budget of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for enhancing nuclear security:
Currently the EU provides financial support under the cycle VIII of contribution from December 2020 until April 2024 (Contribution Agreement CFSP/2020/34/IAEA VIII) to implement the EU action on nuclear security, which, also includes contributions from other donors, and contains the following set of activities:
- Universalization of the 2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (ACPPNM)
This includes the organization of the Conference to the Parties to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material in March 2022 and outreach activities. - Computer security and Information Technology Services
This includes support to expert meetings to stay abreast of development in this area. - Enhancing Nuclear security culture
- Asessing Nuclear Security Needs, Priorities and Threats
This includes support to Integrated Nuclear Security Plans (INSSPs). - Nuclear Security of Materials and Associated Facilities.
- Institutional Response Infrastructure for Material Out of Regulatory Control
This includes: Supporting Member States for Nuclear Security at Major Public Events - Education and Training Programme Development
This includes key activities such as : NSSC, INSEN, IAEA School on Nuclear Security. - Gender-Focused Capacity Building and Education in Nuclear Security / Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)
- Nuclear Security Assistance to Ukraine (since November 2022) as part of coordinated activities here.
This includes support to continued presence of Agency staff at all nuclear sites in Ukraine and procurement of equipment.
Previous IAEA - EU Agreements
- IAEA – EU Contribution Agreement CFSP/2020/34/IAEA VIII: Cycle VIII (implementation 2020-2024)
- IAEA – EU Delegation Agreement: CFSP/25 IAEA VII: Cycle VII (Implementation 2017 – 2020)
- IAEA – EU Contribution Agreement CFSP/2013/034/IAEA VI: Cycle VI (implementation 2013 2016)
- IAEA - EU Contribution Agreement CFSP/2010/038/IAEA V: Cycle V (implementation 2011–2014)
- IAEA – EC Cooperation – EU Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Centres of Excellence, Project 28, co-implemented and completed by the Joint Research Centre (Contract IFS 2013/329-422) (implementation 2014 – 2016). This cooperation was under the Instrument of Stability
- IAEA – EU Joint Action 2008/314/CFSP : Cycle IV (implementation 2008-2012)
- IAEA – EU Joint Action 2006/418/CFSP : Cycle III (implementation 2007-2008)
- IAEA – EU Joint Action 2005/574/CFSP : Cycle II (implementation 2006-2008)
- IAEA – EU Joint Action 2004/495/CFSP : Cycle I (implementation 2005-2007)