Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plan (INSSP)
The IAEA-developed Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plan (INSSP) provides States, upon request, with a systematic and comprehensive framework for reviewing their nuclear security regimes and identifying areas where they need to be strengthened. The Plans also highlight any assistance needed to support the development of an effective and sustainable nuclear security regime.
Together with the IAEA, the State consolidates its prioritized nuclear security needs into an INSSP. Each INSSP is tailored to the State's specific needs, using guidance provided in Nuclear Security Series publications as its basis. When available and relevant, findings and recommendations from IAEA peer review and advisory service missions with nuclear security components, including the International Nuclear Security Advisory Service and the International Physical Protection Advisory Service also are incorporated. In addition, other information gathered during IAEA technical visits and expert missions can contribute to the plans. Because of its flexible and tailored approach, the INSSP can be useful for all States regardless of their nuclear security regime status.
The INSSP mechanism’s systematized and graded approach aims to maximize the impact of any interventions and help States ensure that their efforts in strengthening their nuclear security regime will be sustained over time. The Plans include all needs, irrespective of how they are to be fulfilled. The INSSP enables the State concerned, the IAEA and other entities willing to provide nuclear security assistance to plan and coordinate activities from both a technical and a financial point of view. This optimizes the use of resources and reduces the risk for duplication. Furthermore, it aids States in preparing and implementing necessary nuclear security improvements.
A typical INSSP presents six functional areas of work related to nuclear security:
- national policy and strategy
- legislative and regulatory framework
- prevention
- detection
- response
- assurance and continuous improvement
In addition to identifying, consolidating and prioritizing needs, the INSSP highlights which entity or organization within the State is responsible for each component and establishes implementation strategies and timeframes.