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B.2 Review of remediation plans and activities for uranium mining and milling sites

The IAEA from June 2013 to June 2017 conducted a project that aimed to provide regulators in countries with operating and uranium legacy sites with the knowledge and tools needed to regulate remediation activities and to review remediation plans.

The project resulted in an IAEA Technical Document (TECDOC) titled Project on Review of Remediation Plans and Activities for Uranium Mining and Milling Sites and related training materials. The TECDOC and training materials outline what remediation plans for legacy sites should cover and provide guidance on how to review and approve such plans. The document’s principles and approaches can also be used in operating facilities to prepare for remediation, and to address legacies from the mining and processing of radioactive minerals other than uranium, known as naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) residues.

Uranium mining and processing produce significant quantities of radioactive mill tailings which remain after decommissioning and closure, and sites that were not remediated and closed in line with international standards can pose a risk. Many such legacy uranium mining sites stem from a time when regulatory supervision of operations was weak or absent.

The project helped countries that have operating and legacy uranium production sites enhance their regulatory frameworks and strengthen radiation protection of people living near the sites.


  • Improved ability by regulators in African countries to provide regulatory oversight of the remediation of operating and legacy uranium producing operations;
  • A reduction of potential exposure to workers and the public, as well as prevention of future legacy issues.

Beneficiary Countries: Member States in Africa.

The project was conducted by the IAEA with supplementary funding from the European Union.

Project Events

Technical Meeting

An IAEA Technical Meeting to present and review the draft TECDOC and training materials developed under Project B2 was held in Vienna, 9 – 13 March 2015.

Regional Training Workshops

The first Regional Training Workshop on Review of Remediation Plans and Activities for Uranium Mining and Milling Sites took place in Lilongwe, Malawi 21-25 Sept 2015, with 25 participants from 10 African states.

The Second Regional Training Workshop on Review of Remediation Plans and Activities for Uranium Mining and Milling Sites for French-speaking African countries took place in Rabat, Morocco from 12-16 Oct 2015 with 19 participants from eight African states.

A Regional Meeting in conjunction with project B.1. on Prevention of future legacy sites in Uranium mining and processing  was held14-15 December 2015 in Vienna with the participation of 12 senior management representatives from nuclear regulatory bodies or other competent authorities in nine African Member States.

The participants, from countries with planned or operating uranium mining and milling facilities enhanced their ability to establish sound policies, regulatory frameworks and infrastructure to achieve sustainable levels of safety in line with IAEA safety standards.


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