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Management of Residues Containing Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material from Uranium Production and Other Activities

Specific Safety Guide

IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-60
Specific Safety Guides

English STI/PUB/1883 ¦ 978-92-0-106219-2

108 pages ¦ 1 figure ¦ € 42.00 ¦ Date published: 2021

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This Safety Guide provides recommendations on the establishment of an appropriate regulatory framework for the management of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) residues in an integrated manner and using a graded approach. It also elaborates on roles and responsibilities, options for management of NORM residues, long term safety of NORM residues, and exemption and clearance. The publication is targeted at regulatory bodies, operating organizations, technical support organizations and other parties who are interested and involved in management of NORM residues.

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IAEA Safety Standards, Management, Residue, Naturally Occurring, Radioactive Material, Uranium, Production, Safety Guide, Safety, Regulatory Framework, NORM, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, Integrated Manner, Graded Approach, Roles, Responsibilities, Long Term Safety, Exemption, Clearance, Regulatory Body, Operating Organization, TSO, Techincal Support Organization, NORM Residue, Strategy, Safety Assessment, Safety Consideration

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