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Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors

Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Vienna, Austria, 31 May–4 June 2010

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/1661 ¦ 978-92-0-103714-5

50 pages ¦ € 40.00 ¦ Date published: 2015

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This publication presents the proceedings of an international conference on spent fuel management organized by the IAEA in cooperation with the NEA of the OECD. The conference covered a broad range of topics from national strategies through safety and regulatory aspects, transport, technical innovation, fuel and material behaviour, operational experience with storage, new fuel and reprocessing developments, and long term storage and disposal. The conference also featured two round table discussion sessions covering regulatory frameworks and stakeholder issues. The proceedings include the opening presentations and the President’s summary and the conclusions of the conference. A CD-ROM with contributed papers accompanies the publication.

The companion material to this publication can be found below

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Proceedings, Nuclear Power Plants, Spent Reactor Fuels, Spent Fuel Management, Reactor Fuel Reprocessing, Radioactive Waste Management, Waste Disposal, NEA, Congresses, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Safety Aspects, Regulatory Framework, Storage

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