Nuclear Back End Webinar Series
Webinar Series on Nuclear Decommissioning and Remediation, Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste
This webinar series focuses on nuclear back-end topics: decommissioning of nuclear facilities, management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, remediation of contaminated land and legacy sites. It supports IAEA Member States in meeting the challenge to ensure the safety, reliability and efficiency of nuclear facilities, operating or newly built, with proper handling of nuclear back-end liabilities.
With 12 webinars, the series aims to provide opportunity to Member States’ relevant organizations to discuss challenging issues in implementation of their nuclear back-end programmes, to learn about good practices and new IAEA publications on the topic. These webinars enable a large number of participants to learn about and discuss relevant topics at both the strategic and operational level, using global expertise and in-depth information based on experiences.
Please click here to register multiple webinars on the current series.
- 13 September 2023: Roadmap for Implementing a Deep Geological Repository Programme (recording)
- 18 October 2023: Nuclear Fuel Cycle Scenario Simulation (recording)
- 22 November 2023: Safeguards Considerations in Radioactive Waste Management Planning (recording)
- 19 December 2023: Sustainability and Circularity in the context of Environmental Remediation (recording)
- 24 January 2024: Using the BRIDE Decision Support Tool to find the Right Solution for Fissile Material Disposition (recording)
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14February 2024: Leadership in Decommissioning &Environmental Remediation (recording) - 13 March 2024: Developing Waste Acceptance Criteria for all stages of the waste lifecycle (recording)
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10April 2024: Decommissioning technologies advancements during last decade (recording) - 12 June 2024: Borehole Disposal for a DSRS inventory - Outcomes of an IAEA coordinated research project (recording)
- 12 September 2024: Managing Hazardous Waste from Nuclear Facilities (recording)
- 25 September 2024: Launching new coordinated research project on Innovative Digital Technologies for Efficient Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities (DEDICATE)