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Guidelines for Developing Wetlands in Agricultural Catchments


English IAEA-TECDOC-1811 ¦ 978-92-0-100917-3

68 pages ¦ 16 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2017

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This publication presents the results of an international research project on optimizing the capture and storage of water by assessing nutrient using water conservation zones in agricultural landscapes. Eight countries from Asia Pacific, Africa and Europe participated in the project. Field studies were established in all participating countries using isotopic and nuclear techniques to assess three types of water conservation zones that are used to harvest water for irrigation, crop production and improve downstream water quality. In addition, isotopic and nuclear techniques were used to collect data to identify the ideal locations in the landscapes for developing wetlands. The publication provides information to researchers working in the area of soil and water management, natural resource managers, policy makers and farmers. For those working to develop wetlands, information is provided to support planning, monitoring and evaluation.

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Food and Agriculture, Wetland Hydrology, Watershed Hydrology, Constructed Wetlands, Agricultural Catchments, FAO, IAEA, Storage, Research and Development, Design, Construction, Sustainability, Soil, Vegetation, Biochemical Processes, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Planning, Nuclear, Isotopic Techniques, Site Evaluation, Erosion, Sediment Control Measures, Compaction, Water Management, Nutrient, Countries, Water Conservation Zones, Assessment, Water Budget, Environment, Water Harvesting, Precipitation, Evapotranspiration

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