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Technical Meeting on Nuclear Power Cost Estimation and Analysis Methodologies

24 – 26 Apr 2018
Vienna, Austria
Event code: EVT1703808

The IAEA provides technical support to Member States on various aspects of developing nuclear infrastructure, including cost estimation of nuclear power plant (NPP) construction.

The IAEA’s first-ever Technical Meeting on Nuclear Power Cost Estimation and Analysis Methodologies provides a forum for Member States to share good practices in cost estimation for nuclear infrastructure development and nuclear power plant construction projects.

Senior managers, analysts, energy planners and others involved in nuclear power cost estimation, nuclear technology development, and nuclear power plant operations/ownership will discuss issues associated with cost estimation and cost management in new nuclear power plant construction projects.
The meeting will focus on the prospective capital and operating expenditures associated with pre-construction, construction, and operation of new, commercial-scale NPPs, including first-of-a-kind concepts. Discussion topics will include cost estimation and comparison across project phases and activities, identification of critical cost drivers, and options to reduce costs.

Meeting participants, from both nuclear newcomer countries and established nuclear Member States, are invited to share their perspective on how to develop, update, document and communicate cost estimates, provide country-specific examples and case studies illustrating the process, and communicate their needs, expectations, and requirements in terms of basic techno-economic input data, and cost estimation approaches.

Keynote speakers will provide insights from their direct experience in implementing reactor construction projects, including challenges and lessons learned.

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