International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management: Solutions for a Sustainable Future - Programme
1–5 November 2021, Vienna, Austria
PROGRAMME: 4 November 2021
Opening Session Chair: Mr Wolfgang Neckel, Austria
Keynote Speech: Mr James McKinney, United Kingdom
- What is Integrated Waste Management and why we should use it? A view from the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Ms Tatiana Rakitskaya, Russian Federation
- Integrated Waste Management in the Russian Federation
Mr Safdar Ali, Pakistan
- Development of National Integrated Radioactive Waste Management Infrastructure in Pakistan
Mr Zoran Drace, Serbia
- Prospects of Integrated Waste Management Planning
09:55-10:25 Coffee Break and e-Posters
Mr Fred Dermarkar, Canada
- Integration of Waste Management – Going beyond Technical Aspects
Ms Virginie Wasselin, France
- The Solutions Stategy: The Need for a Global, Consistent, and Proportionate Approach to Radioactive Waste Management
Mr Hidekazu Asano, Japan
- Study on Aadvanced Nuclear Energy System based on the Environmental Impact of Radioactive Waste Disposal
Young Professional Showcase Lead: Mr Haoxiang Fei, Australia
- Site Characterisation Inputs to Safety Case Development for Australia’s National Radioactive Waste Management Facility
Panel Discussion and Closing: Speakers and Session Chair
12:15-13:15 Side Event: Beishan Underground Research Laboratory in China
Opening Session Chair: Mr Ewoud Verhoef, Netherlands
Keynote Speech: Mr Martin Krause, IAEA
Ms Louise Théodon, EURAD
- EURAD: A Step Change in European Joint Collaboration towards Safe Radioactive Waste Management
Mr Simon Morgan, WENRA
- WENRA’s Safety Reference Levels contribute to continuous Improvements and Harmonisation of Regulatory Approaches for Radioactive Waste Management in many European Countries
Mr Khammar Mrabit, Morocco
- The Obligation of Multinational Cooperation to promote and advance the Safety of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management
14:55-15:25 Coffee Break and e-Posters
Mr Michel Pieraccini, WNA
- Material and Waste Management Strategies Considerations for Decommissioning
Ms Rebecca Tadesse, OECD/NEA
- The Nuclear Energy Agency Activities in the area of Radioactive Waste Management, Decommissioning Nuclear Installation and Legacy Management
Mr Oleksii Miasnykov, Ukraine
- International Cooperation within Radwaste Management Projects at Chornobyl NPP
Young Professional Showcase Lead: Ms Celia Wighton, United Kingdom
- Adoption and Implementation of an Integrated Waste Management Strategy to Support and Deliver the next Generation of Young Professionals in the Remediation of the UK’s Nuclear Legacy
Panel Discussion and Closing: Speakers and Session Chair
17:15-18:45 Side Event: Collaborative Research and Innovation in RWM in the Euratom Community