International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management: Solutions for a Sustainable Future - Programme
1–5 November 2021, Vienna, Austria
PROGRAMME: 2 November 2021
Opening Session Chair: Ms Cherry Tweed, United Kingdom
Keynote Speech: Ms Tiina Jalonen, Finland
- Posiva Preparing for Operating a Final Disposal Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Mr Sungsoo Cha, Republic of Korea
- Radioactive Waste Management Strategy in the Republic of Korea
Mr Thomas Lautsch, Germany
- Asse and Konrad – Germanys LAW/MAW Construction Projects at Full Steam
Mr Musharraf Hussain Rizvi, Pakistan
- Advances in Implementing Strategy for Management of Radioactive Waste in Pakistan
09:55-10:25 Coffee Break and e-Posters
Mr Sergey Deryabin, Russian Federation
- The National Strategy of the Russian Federation in the field of RW Management: Main Provisions and Progress in its Implementation
Mr Daniel Delort, France
- French Progress on Radioactive Waste Management Disposal Projects
Mr Alan Carolissen, South Africa
- Ensuring the Safe, Secure and Sustainable Disposal of Radioactive Waste: A South African Perspective
Young Professional Showcase Lead: Mr Alexey Kuznetsov, Russian Federation
- Complete recycling of boric acid from the primary circuit coolant obtaining commercial borate products
Panel Discussion and Closing: Speakers and Session Chair
12:15-13:15 Side Event: Safeguards: the often-overlooked requirement in waste management
Opening Session Chair: Ms Maria Lindberg, Sweden
Keynote Speech: Mr Nicholas Butler, USA
- Increased Safety Measures for Removal of Self-Shielded Irradiators Containing Category 1 and 2 Sealed Radioactive Sources
Ms Federica Pancotti, Italy
- Application of Direct Cementation System for Small Volume of Alpha Contaminated Aqueous Waste (Cementation SaG IPU)
Mr Ali Malekifarsani, Iran
- Radioactive Waste Management Issues and Challenges in Iran
Mr Arne Larsson, Sweden
- Melting of Contaminated Metals for Clearance and Recycling - 30 + Years of Practical Experience
14:55-15:25 Coffee Break and e-Posters
Mr Keyurkumar Pancholi, India
- Technological Advancement in Effective Management of Low Level Radioactive Solid Wastes
Mr Noriyuki Saito, Japan
- Current Status of Solid Waste Management on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Ms Milena Prazska, Slovakia
- Application of Geopolymers in Management of Problematic Radioactive Waste
Young Professional Showcase Lead: Ms Hamdane Hasna, Morocco
- Solidification of Radioactive Resins with Geopolymer Package: A Circular Economy Concept of Handling Nuclear Waste with Mine Tailings
Panel Discussion and Closing: Speakers and Session Chair
17:15-18:45 Side Event: Member State Updates and Progress in the Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS) and the Global Path Forward