IAEA Scientific Forum 2017
Nuclear Techniques in Human Health: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment
19–20 September 2017
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Opening: Mr Yukiya Amano, Director General, IAEA
Moderator: Ms Melinda Crane, Chief Political Correspondent, Deutsche Welle-TV
Conference Secretaries: Mr Serge Gas, Director, Office of Public Information and Communication, IAEA and Ms May Abdel-Wahab, Director, Division of Human Health, IAEA
Administration: Ms Julie Zellinger, Conference Services Section, IAEA
09:30–10:30 Opening Session
Opening Statement by Mr Yukiya Amano, Director General, IAEA (Statement)
HM King Letsie III, Lesotho (Statement)
HE Ms Madeleine Tchuinte, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon (Statement)
HE Ms Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health, Russian Federation (Statement)
HE Mr Eric Ulloa, Vice Minister of Health, Panama (Statement)
Mr Detlev Ganten, Founder of the World Health Summit, Germany (Presentation)
10:30–12:45 Session 1: Preventing disease through better nutrition
The first session will highlight the vital role that nutrition plays in preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In a world where undernutrition and obesity coexist, it is important to define targeted actions that combat all forms of malnutrition. Through the use of nuclear and isotopic techniques, health professionals are able to develop and evaluate actions to address undernutrition, obesity and the related risks of NCDs simultaneously. In addition, these techniques can help understand the impact of environmental factors on child growth and human health. The session will also highlight new trends in medical imaging to better assess nutritional status.
Mr Ricardo Uauy, Professor, Institute of Nutrition, University of Chile, Chile
"Nutrition – An Investment in Human Capital" (Presentation)
Mr João Breda, Head, WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD Office), Portugal
"The Marketing World for Children" (Presentation)
Mr Anura Kurpad, Professor and Head of Physiology and Nutrition, Department of Physiology and Nutrition, St John’s Medical College, India
"The Challenge of Assessing Malnutrition and its Health Implications – The Added Value of Nuclear Technology" (Presentation)
Mr John Shepherd, Professor, Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California, United States of America
"Emerging Technologies in Measuring Body Composition in Low-resource Settings Across the Life Course" (Presentation)
Mr Martin Wiseman, Medical and Scientific Adviser, World Cancer Research Fund International, United Kingdom
"Nutrition, Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases: Prevention, Management and Policy" (Presentation)
Mr Michael Routledge, Associate Professor, Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
"Environmental Hazards and Child Growth, Nuclear Techniques to Monitor Mycotoxin Exposure" (Presentation)
Mr Mduduzi Mbuya, Senior Technical Specialist, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Zimbabwe
"Gut Health/EED and Impact on Children’s Health – The Zimbabwean Experience with Interventions Addressing Sanitation, Hygiene and Infant Nutrition" (Presentation)
Mr Hassan Aguenaou, Professor and Director, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
Case study: "A Regionally Designated Centre for Deuterium Dilution Techniques Enables Capacity Building in the Region and Informs Moroccan Nutrition Policies and Programmes" (Presentation)
Mr Ricardo Uauy, Professor, Institute of Nutrition, University of Chile, Chile
Case study: "Tackling Childhood Obesity in Chile – How the IAEA Support Since 20 Years has Helped to Address the Problem and Contributed to Halting the Rise in Childhood Obesity in Pre-school Children" (Presentation)
12:45–14:00 Lunch Break
14:00–15:30 Session 2: Looking beyond the visible: New frontiers in diagnostic techniques
The second session will present cutting-edge clinical applications and technologies, including the use of nuclear techniques to identify disease in its early stages, and to assess the location and spread of disease in the body, as well as patients’ response to medical therapy. The integral role of nuclear technology in the medical diagnosis of NCDs such as cancer and cardiovascular, infectious and neurological diseases, including dementia, will be discussed. Furthermore, the session will illustrate how technologies have evolved to allow for personalized health care through medical imaging.
Mr Homer Macapinlac, Chairman, Department of Nuclear Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Philippines
"Atoms for Imaging: Latest Trends in Medical Imaging from Macro to Micro" (Presentation)
Ms Elba Etchebehere, Assistant Professor, University of Campinas, Brazil
"The Key Role of Nuclear Technology in Medical Diagnosis for Cancer" (Presentation)
Mr João Vitola, Cardiologist, Quanta Diagnóstico e Terapia, Brazil
"The Key Role of Nuclear Technology in Medical Diagnosis for: Cardiovascular Diseases" (Presentation)
Mr Sobhan Vinjamuri, Professor, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital; President, British Nuclear Medicine Society, India
"The Key Role of Nuclear Technology in Medical Diagnosis for: Infectious Diseases, Focus on Dementia" (Presentation)
Mr Satoshi Minoshima, Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Japan
"The Key Role of Nuclear Technology in Medical Diagnosis for: Neurological Diseases, Focus on Dementia" (Presentation)
Mr Luis Donoso-Bach, Director, Department of Medical Imaging, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, University of Barcelona, Spain
"Maximizing Diagnostic Imaging Services in Member States" (Presentation)
15:30–16:00 Coffee Break
16:00–17:30 Session 3: Addressing implementation challenges in countries
The third session will emphasize the various challenges that countries face in ensuring the safe use of nuclear medicine for the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The impact of new medical technologies on health expenditure budgets will also be considered, as will countries’ different needs in this area. Additionally, the different levels of diagnostic services available to countries — from basic infrastructure to intermediate and advanced services — will be explored. This session will also highlight the use of data to support decision-making in cancer care.
Mr Mohamed Zaghloul, Chairman, Department of Radiation Oncology, Children's Cancer Hospital, Egypt
"DIRAC: VAlue and Impact on Decision Making" (Presentation)
Ms Ann Chao, Doctor, Center for Global Health, National Cancer Institute, United States of America
"The Use of Data to Support Decision-making in Cancer Care: Evidence-based Interventions" (Presentation)
Ms Angelika Bischof Delaloye, Professor Emeritus, Lausanne University, Switzerland
"Quality Assurance: Maximum Benefits and Minimal Risks" (Presentation)
Ms Amalia Peix, Professor and Cardiologist, Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Cuba
Case study: "Cuba; Showcasing How the Continuous IAEA Support has Impacted the Lives of Ailing Patients within a Span of 10 Years" (Presentation)
Mr Omar Alonso, Nuclear Medicine Physician, Uruguayan Centre of Molecular Imaging, Uruguay
Case study: "The Establishment of the Uruguayan Centre of Molecular Imaging (CUDIM) and the Continuous Collaboration with the IAEA to Become a Reference Centre in the Region for Capacity Building Activities" (Presentation)
Ms Cathy Cutler, Director, Medical Isotope Research & Production Program, Brookhaven National Laboratory, United States of America
"Current Status and Future Perspective of Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine" (Presentation)
Ms Maria Betti, Director, Directorate G - Nuclear Safety and Security, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, Italy
"Targeted Alpha Therapy" (Presentation)
Ms Neerja Bhatla, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences; Chairperson at the Gynaecologic Oncology Committee with the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, India
"Bridging the gap: An interactive session showcasing key information communication technologies such as the Mobile Apps for cancer staging and appropriate us of nuclear cardiology studies" (Presentation)
17:30 Reception
09:30–11:00 Session 4: (Part I) Radiotherapy – Saving and improving quality of life of cancer patients through new approaches
The fourth session will explore the use of radiotherapy to treat cancer, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for optimal patient management. It will also look at the future of radiotherapy, including personalized treatment and the latest technological innovations to improve patient care.
Mr Mack Roach, Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California San Francisco, United States of America
"Access to radiotherapy: Bridging the Gap Through Innovation" (Presentation)
Ms Julie Wetter, Oncologist, Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town, South Africa
"Optimising Radiotherapy, Improving Outcome and Reducing Side-Effects" (Presentation)
Ms Soehartati Gondhowiardjo, Radiation Oncologist and Senior Consultant, Department of Radiotherapy, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Indonesia
"Advanced Technology in Radiotherapy, 'Improving Treatment while Reducing Side Effects'" (Presentation)
Mr Jiade J. Lu, Executive Vice President, Shanghai Proton and Heavy Ion Centre, China
"Evolution of Radiation Therapy, Proton and Carbon Ion Beam Radiotherapy" (Presentation)
Mr Takashi Nakano, Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
"Current Status of Carbon Therapy for the Treatment of Cancers" (Presentation)
Mr Evaristo Cisbani, Senior Scientist, Italian National Institute of Health, Italy
"Hadron Therapy: A Physicist’s View" (Presentation)
11:00–11:30 Coffee Break
11:30–13:15 Session 4: (Part II) Radiotherapy – Saving and improving quality of life of cancer patients through new approaches
Ms Irene Virgolini, Professor, Department Nuclear Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
"Personalized Medicine: Integrating Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic Approaches ('Theranostics')" (Presentation)
Mr Michael Barton, Research Director and Professor, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, University of New South Wales, Australia
"Unlocking Existing Potential in Developing Countries Through Key Technologies" (Presentation)
Mr Tomas Cobo Castro, Vice President, General Medical Council of Spain, Spain
"Partnership with the Association of Medical Practitioners of Spain: Initiatives to Work Together to Improve a Radiation Medicine in Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean" (Presentation)
Ms Mary Gospodarowicz, Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto; Medical Director, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada
"Towards Closing the Health Human Resource Gap in Radiotherapy" (Presentation)
Ms Yolande Lievens, Professor, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent University; President, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) Belgium
"Creating and Maintaining a Pool of Skilled Practitioners – Innovative Approaches" (Presentation)
Ms Celine Karla Torzsok, Technical Director, Fundación Arturo López Pérez (FALP), Chile
"Training a New Generation of Radiation Oncologists in Latin America and the Caribbean - Innovative Approaches for Capacity Building Through the Master on Advanced Radiotherapy" (Presentation)
Mr Cherian Varghese, Coordinator for Management of NCDs, Department for Management of Non-communicable Diseases, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention (NVI), World Health Organization, India
Case Study: "The United Nations Joint Global Programme on Cervical Cancer: Prevention and Control" (Presentation)
Ms Svetlana Saakyan, Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmooncology and Radiology, Helmholtz Moscow Scientific and Research Eye Institute, Russia
"Successful Application of Nuclear Technologies for the Therapy of Eye Tumours at Helmholtz Research Institute for Eye Diseases" (Presentation)
13:15–14:30 Lunch Break
14:30–16:30 Session 5: Ensuring quality and safety
The fifth session will focus on quality and safety aspects in all disciplines of radiation medicine, in order to ensure that patients get the best possible outcome. Issues such as the need for peer reviews, clinical audits and quantification of performance will be explored. This session will also review the requirements for quality and safety in imaging and therapy, and the challenges that countries may face in implementing these, as well as examples of successful IAEA projects to assist in this respect.
Mr Kin Yin Cheung, Senior Medical Physicist, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Oncology, University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong; President, International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM), China
"Quality: Why we Should 'Manage' It and not Just 'Control' It" (Presentation)
Mr Slavik Tabakov, President, International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP); Co-Director, International College on Medical Physics, ICTP, United Kingdom
"Quantifying Quality. 'If you Cannot Measure it you Cannot Improve It'" (Presentation)
Mr Pierre Scalliet, Head, Department of Radiation Oncology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc, Belgium
"The Role of Comprehensive Clinical Audits as a Tool for Quality Improvement" (Presentation)
Mr David Followill, Director, IROC Houston QA Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, United States of America
"How Quality Assurance Programmes can Maximize the Safety and Accuracy of Radiation Treatments" (Presentation)
Ms Mary Coffey, Adjunct Associate Professor, Discipline of Radiation Therapy-Trinity College, Ireland
"Applying Radiation Safety Procedures in Practice" (Presentation)
Ms Rosario Velasco, Vice-chairwoman, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Spain
"Applying Radiation Safety Procedures in Practice" (Presentation)
Mr Agim Sallaku, Professor, Department of Oncology, University Hospital Mother Teresa, Albania
"Supporting the Strengthening of Quality and Safety Practices During the Transition from Co-60 to LINAC Technologies" (Presentation)
Ms Debbie Van Der Merwe, Director, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, South Africa
Case Study: "Radiotherapy Audits in Africa" (Presentation)
16:30–17:30 Panel discussion and closing session by the Director General (or his representative)
Mr Untung Suseno Sutarjo, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Mr Jabbin Mulwanda, Permanent Secretary for Health Services, Ministry of Health, Zambia
Mr Massimo Garribba, Director of Nuclear Energy, Safety and ITER, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission, Italy
Ms Dominique Le Guludec, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Institut De Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), France
Ms Neerja Bhatla, Professor, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Mr Andrew Scott, President, World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Australia