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Various other collections

Date range: 1919/1957 – to date

Extent and media: 153.5 linear shelf metres of typed, handwritten and painted paper records, plans and maps, as well as non-paper (electronic) records (in the main, press releases)

There are several other collections that comprise specific IAEA records.

The architectural plan collection (1919/1957-1985) comprises mainly plans from the IAEA’s temporary headquarters at the Grand Hotel in Vienna (Kärntnerring 11) and its permanent headquarters at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), including the four short-listed projects from the architects’ competition. A wide range of plans document the Agency’s conference premises (Vienna Imperial Palace, General Conference sites in Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and New Delhi), the Agency’s Laboratories in Monaco and Seibersdorf, international conference halls (Egypt, Pakistan), staff apartments and the Child Care Centre.

The Circular Letters (1957-2000) – one text with multiple distributions – contain information for Member and non-Member States, the United Nations and other international organizations on meetings, training courses and, in general, the work of the Agency.

The Country Uranium Reports (from approximately 1960 to 1975) consist mainly of geological articles published in a variety of specialist journals or by the United Nations Industrial and Development Organization (UNIDO), and of reports written by the IAEA’s then-Department of Technical Assistance (now called the Department of Technical Cooperation) for countries on their uranium deposits.

The collection of duty travel reports starts in 1958 and details the reason, the contents and the outcome of official business travels on behalf of the Agency. It also mirrors the IAEA’s business activities, such as organizing seminars and training, conducting special workshops, and participating in conferences or special events. Expert mission reports related to technical cooperation projects are sometimes submitted in the form of duty travel reports.

The Daily Press Reviews (press cuttings and press reviews, 1969-2000) were compiled to keep the Agency’s Secretariat informed not only of the public perception of the IAEA’s work but also of public opinion regarding nuclear energy and its peaceful and military uses. On a systematic basis, certain national and international newspapers were checked for articles related to the Agency’s work and programme. The Daily Press Reviews have been digitized in their entirety.

The collection of press releases (1957-1994) covers key events in the IAEA’s history. They also detail lists of IAEA conferences and seminars, including summary reports, as well as awards for research contracts and achievements in various kinds of peaceful nuclear applications promoted or managed by the Agency. Press releases in paper form were produced until 1994.

The collection of Reactor Safety Manuals and Reports provides technical information on all research reactors in use.

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