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Central Registry Records

Date range: 1957-1979/1985

Extent and media: 720 linear shelf metres of paper records; copied, photo static, typed or handwritten

Central Registry records cover subject files of all official IAEA functions and activities based on the main headings of the file plan. This includes:

  • ’ADM’ and ‘S’ for Administration and Executive Management;
  • ‘DAT’ for Data Processing;
  • ‘F’ for Finance and Accounting;
  • ’I’ for Scientific and Public Information;
  • ‘L’ for Legal Matters and Agreements;
  • ‘LAB’ for Laboratories;
  • ‘O’ for Organization and External Relations;
  • ‘P’ for Personnel Matters and Human Resources Management;
  • ‘SAF’ for Safeguards, Nuclear Verification and Nuclear Security;
  • ‘SC’ for Science, Nuclear Science, Training and Technical Cooperation;
  • ‘STI’ for Scientific and Technical Information;
  • ‘INFCE’ for International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation;
  • ‘TA’ for Technical Assistance and Technical Cooperation; and
  • ‘EX’ for Experts recruitment files.

Since the beginning, official records were processed and maintained by the Agency’s Central Registry. The records were registered; originals were distributed to the offices responsible for these activities, while copies were kept in the Central Registry.

Simultaneously, some official correspondence was either not forwarded for registration or routed directly from/to the office of primary responsibility, bypassing formal registration. In this way, a dual file keeping system came into existence: the Central Registry records (comprising mainly of copies) and registered and non-registered originals kept in offices across the Agency, whether in staff offices or areas dedicated for file keeping (departmental or divisional records offices). This long tradition of maintaining parallel records is reflected in the structure of archival holdings split into Central Registry records and Departmental records (Part 1 and Part 2).

To eliminate duplication and create one ‘master file’ for every subject area, the IAEA Archives merged the Central Registry record series with files that were transferred from the de-centralised records offices and document the same subject. This meant that records received by the IAEA Archives from satellite records offices were physically added to the appropriate Central Registry series. However, this merging of records from two different origins was stopped in 2001 and those records transferred from satellite records offices continue to exist as the Sub-fonds of Departmental Records Part 1.

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