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Evaluation of Human Resource Needs for a New Nuclear Power Plant: Armenian Case Study


English IAEA-TECDOC-1656 ¦ 978-92-0-113510-0

114 pages ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2011

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This publication draws on the experience of an IAEA technical cooperation project using Armenia as an example to look at the tasks linked to the management of human resources that will be required by a country planning a new nuclear power plant. It summarizes the major findings of the project, and identifies and analyses the demand in human resources at all stages of construction of a new nuclear power plant unit. This includes, in detail, the issues of selection of an option for construction, standard processes associated with construction work, customer actions at various stages leading up to commissioning, means, conditions and requirements for the training of specialists, and assessments of various projects being considered for implementation. The target readers of the publication are governmenl officials and officers of ministries in Member States planning to embark upon or expand a nuclear power programme, as well as national utilities and regulators.

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