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Classification, Selection and Use of Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Education and Training


English IAEA-TECDOC-1887 ¦ 978-92-0-162219-8

44 pages ¦ 2 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2019

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As nuclear power is one of the options that can be used to meet the growing energy demands of countries around the world, educating and enriching people with adequate knowledge on nuclear energy, nuclear reactor technologies, nuclear systems, reactor components and the embedded nuclear safety features are of paramount importance. Experience shows that education and training nuclear power plant simulators are effective tools that allow for a broad range of target groups to meet education and training objectives. This publication provides information based on the lessons learned from IAEA training courses on reactor technologies with the use of various NPP simulators. The main topics are classification of various types of NPP simulators for education and training, suitable selection of simulators according to assessment of education and training needs, and integration of simulators into educational and training programmes to enhance knowledge based skills.

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Nuclear Power, Nuclear Power Simulators, NPP, Nuclear Power Plant, Education, Training Programmes, Training Objectives, Nuclear Power Technology Development, Division of Nuclear Power, Full-Scope Simulator, High Fidelity Simulator, Technical Characteristics, Example Exercises, Standard Practice, Nuclear Education, Nuclear Training, Part-Task Simulator, Full Plant Simulator, Plant-Specific Classroom Simulator, Engineering Simulator, Modelling, Assessment of Simulator Suitability, NPP Simulator, Simulator

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