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Managing Irrigation Water to Enhance Crop Productivity under Water-limiting Conditions: A Role for Isotopic Techniques

Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project


English IAEA-TECDOC-1813 ¦ 978-92-0-103717-6

180 pages ¦ 94 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2017

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This publication presents the outcome of an IAEA coordinated research project and provides research findings and isotopic methodologies to quantify the soil evaporation component of water losses and determine the transpiration efficiency for several important crop species under a variety of environments. The TECDOC also presents a simple, fast and portable vacuum distillation apparatus for extraction water from soil and plant samples for isotopic analyses for the separation of soil evaporation, which helped to reduce the bottleneck in sample throughput for many soil water and hydrology studies.

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Soil Fertility, Irrigation, Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotope Tracers, Evapotranspiration, Crops, Water Requirements, Crop Productivity, Water Limiting Conditions, Isotopic Techniques, Coordinated Research Project, CRP, Isotopic Methodologies, Soil Evaporation, Vacuum Distillation Apparatus, Transpiration Efficiency, Crop Species, Environment, Plant Samples, Hydrology, Keeling Plot, Isotopic Mass Balance, Sustainability, Member States, AquaCrop Model, Isotopic Signature

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