Projected global population increase and the impacts of climate change on agriculture highlight
the importance of the use of improved crop varieties coupled with better soil, water and fertilizer
management practices designed to protect the natural resource base. This publication is the outcome
of a coordinated research project (CRP) and focuses on the practical application of nuclear and related
techniques, such as mutation induction and the use of stable isotopes of nitrogen [N-15] and carbon
[C-13]. The use of such techniques can improve crop productivity with mutant varieties and best-fit
soil management practices in diverse agroecological zones affected by drought, high temperatures,
water scarcity, soil acidity and soil salinity. The findings of the CRP will be highly valuable to agricultural
scientists and laboratory technicians of national agricultural research organizations in Member States
as a resource for improving soil and crop productivity.
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Food and Agriculture, Crop Yields, Plant Mutation Breeding, Crops, Water, Crop Genotypes, CRP, Coordinated Research Project, Fertilizer, Natural Resources, Applications, Nuclear Techniques, Mutation Induction, Stable Isotopes, Nitrogen, N-15, Carbon, C-13, Productivity, Soil Acidity, Soil Salinity, Drought, Water Scarcity, Member States, Productivity, Mutant Lines, Varieties, High Water, Nutrients, Use Efficiency, Agro-Ecological, High Temperature, Countries, Rice, Sorghum, Barley, Environment, Stress, N Fertilizer, Quinoa, Mutagenesis