Nuclear safety regulators and inspectors require rigorous training, particularly as their workload increases with new nuclear reactors opening and older ones going through decommissioning. While nuclear safety is a national responsibility, the IAEA provides support to regulators worldwide. The recently issued Handbook for Regulatory Inspectors of Nuclear Power Plants is part of the IAEA’s continued effort to develop training materials to support regulatory inspection programmes.
“The handbook is a very practical document. It offers general guidance on how to plan, prepare and conduct regulatory inspections. It also offers some guidance on how to evaluate inspection findings,” said Greg Rzentkowski, Director of Nuclear Installation Safety at the IAEA. “It is designed to support regulatory inspectors in developing and enhancing their competencies to inspect nuclear power plants.”
The handbook was developed to support newer inspectors, who take around two years to train, and also to help veterans of the field mentor the next generation of inspectors.