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Inside the SESAME International Research Centre

9 May 2017
The SESAME Centre is set for inauguration on 16 May 2017. An integrated endeavour by scientists and governments of the region, the SESAME Centre is modelled on CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research and was developed under the auspices of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. SESAME members include, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey.Safety comes first. The safety roof shield provides radiation protection and also protects the storage rings through which the electromagnetic beamlines will circulate to reach the SESAME’s operating energy of 2.5 GeV, which is vital to conduct experiments in areas such biology, archaeology and medical sciences as well as research in basic properties of materials science, physics, chemistry, and life sciences.
To ensure safety, radiation monitors are placed in various areas around the facility including the ‘storage ring’ roof shield to keep track of any possible radiation leak during the facility’s operation.
The SESAME facility consists of two storage rings — inner and outer. This is the inner storage ring where electrons start to circulate to build up the required energy of 2.5 GeV (gigaelectronvolt) necessary to conduct experiments for various applications.
SESAME’s Technical Director Erhard Huttel explains the process on how pre-accelerated electrons beams are injected into the synchrotron. Synchrotrons are sources of electromagnetic radiation generated by electrons moving almost with the speed of light. The precise beams of light produced include microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma-ray light.
The inner storage ring, or booster, with deflection and focusing magnets through which the electron beams circulate as they are accelerated. The precise beams of light produced include microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma-ray light.
The magnet ‘train’ in the inner storage ring of the SESAME facility.SESAME’s Technical Director Erhard Huttel explains the process on how the electrons are accelerated in the inner storage ring of the SESAME facility. The electrons circulate through magnets to reach the energyof 2.5 GeV to produce synchrotron radiation.  The higher the energy, the bigger the magnetic field has to be to deflect the electron beam.
SESAME’s Technical Director Erhard Huttel explains the process on how magnets are used to direct particle beams through the accelerator to emit focused light that is directed away from the accelerator through beam lines that lead to the experimental set-upsused in research and training.
Beam steering, focusing and monitoring.At the SESAME facility, all 30 magnets are in place through which the electromagnetic beams will pass, and all hydraulic and electrical installations have been checked for operations.The IAEA has helped in the successful commissioning of the SESAME magnets, hand-on training in areas such as beamlines technology, installation, mounting and testing of equipment at the SESAME centre.These are sealed vacuum pipes through which the electromagnetic beams pass to reach the experimental hubs at the SESAME facility. Staff checking the power supplies in the outer storage ring of the SESAME facility. The magnets here are bigger as the electrons are reaching the high energy of 2.5 GeV.Safety procedures are strict at the facility, with signage depicting safety precautions. Staff track and check the safety measures in place at various points in the storage rings.SESAME’s Technical Director Erhard Huttel at the highly advanced automated power control area in the SESAME facility that monitors the power supply to the storage rings. The software for the power supply controls system has also been checked to ensure smooth operations at the SESAME facility.Messaoud Harfouche, the XRF/XAFS beamline scientist at the new XRF beamline hub that will be used for  a wide range of applications.. XRF is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials, e.g. for elemental analysis, chemical analysis, to determine the characteristics of metals, glass and ceramics as well as for research in geochemistry, forensic science, and cultural heritage.The new XRF beamline hub that will use the synchrotron light for research and training in a wide range of applications.Messaoud Harfouche, the XRF/XAFS beamline scientist checking to ensure that the XRF equipment is properly placed before the measurements at the beamline start.The XRF beamline equipment at the SESAME facility is ready for use, says Messaoud Harfouche, the XRF/XAFS beamline scientist. The IAEA has provided significant support to the scientists and engineers in training and sharing expertise, as well as in facilitating the networking of SESAME staff with other global research facilities, thus enabling better possibilities for scientific exchanges. Gihan Kamel, an infrared beamline scientist from Egypt working in the infrared beam lab. The research and training at the infrared beamline at the SESAME centre will benefit the scientific community in the region to gain a better understanding on its use and applications.Tissue samples for research and analysis at the infrared lab.Here, Gihan Kamel analyses particles at the infrared beamline lab. An exciting phase to achieve results to help development using advanced synchrotron technology, she said.After the particle analysis is conducted, Gihan Kamel checks the data at the infrared beamline lab."SESAME is an achievement both in terms of science and international relations and its success is due to the interest and confidence of all involved,” said Khaled Toukan, Chairman of  Jordan Atomic Energy Commission.
The SESAME Centre will enable visiting scientists, including university students and researchers to participate in experiments with synchrotron radiation, analyse data obtained, acquire and share scientific expertise and knowledge.

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