Japan–IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School (organized in cooperation with the IAEA)
The purpose of the school is to support young professionals in the nuclear sector in enhancing managerial and technical competencies that are essential for maintaining national nuclear energy programmes.
In particular, the objectives are to:
- Provide an international educational experience and an opportunity for worldwide networking to future leaders and managers of nuclear energy;
- Raise awareness of participants about recent developments in nuclear energy;
- Broaden participants’ understanding of issues and challenges associated with peaceful uses of nuclear energy;
- Introduce participants to the leadership and managerial competencies needed to successfully implement national nuclear energy programmes.
Participants will be made aware and engage in discussions associated with:
- Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Power Economics;
- Nuclear Safety and Security;
- Nuclear Safeguards;
- Nuclear Law and Legislation;
- An integrated Approach to Human Resource Development and Nuclear Knowledge Management;
- Management and Leadership in a Nuclear Organization;
- Stakeholder Engagement and Public Communication.
The school will include presentations, active discussions and exercises. To enhance the experience and to put the material into context, the school will also include visits to nuclear facilities, including Fukushima Dai-ichi NPPs, to provide the attendees with a unique insight into how nuclear energy programmes were implemented.
Nominations from invited Member States must be submitted to the host organization through official channels.
Deadline for applications: 6 May 2024