Clarifying Waste Options and Opportunities
Webinar Series on Stakeholder Involvement related to Nuclear Power
The eleventh webinar in this series will present some effective ways to engage stakeholders on radioactive waste as well as existing solutions and approaches for its management, with a special focus on disposal. The webinar will highlight the importance of stakeholder engagement for increasing confidence in decision‑making processes related to radioactive waste management. Speakers will in particular focus on stakeholder engagement in communities hosting waste management facilities, the ways they relate to these facilities, what benefits and values they see in hosting them and how they integrate them into their communities, as well as how this compares to communities hosting other types of nuclear facilities.
Finally, the webinar will announce the IAEA Technical Meeting on Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities scheduled to take place from 31 October to 4 November in Vienna. This meeting will provide an opportunity to hear experiences of representatives of municipalities hosting nuclear facilities and to enhance awareness of topics of interest to local stakeholders.
Ms Lise Morton, Vice-President of Site Selection for Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada
Ms Penny Lucas, Mayor of Township of Ignace, Canada
Mr Seth Kirshenberg, Executive Director, Energy Communities Alliance
Ms Dagmar Dehmer, Manager of Corporate Communication, Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany
Irena Chatzis, IAEA