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Webinar Series: Education as a Key to Addressing the Gender Equality Gap in Global Nuclear Security
The IAEA Division of Nuclear Security established the Women in Nuclear Security Initiative (WINSI) in March 2021, with the mission to support the achievement of gender equality in nuclear security both within the IAEA’s Division of Nuclear Security and the global community of practice. WINSI aims to promote and strengthen the involvement of women in nuclear security and related fields worldwide as well as to enhance the attractiveness of nuclear security jobs and careers to women, especially for the next generation.
To support this initiative, WINSI has organized and hosted in 2021-2022 the following webinars:
- The Role of the IAEA in Strengthening Capacity of Women in Nuclear Security Worldwide
- Women in Information and Computer Security in the Nuclear World
- Women in Nuclear Security Inspections
- Women in Nuclear Security Law Enforcement
In the beginning of 2022, WINSI, in partnership with four renowned international universities, announced four webinars with the aim to establish an international forum where knowledge on existing programmes and opportunities in nuclear security education will be shared. This series of webinars aims to also connect students (women and men) with their peers and experts worldwide. The quarterly webinars will focus on the role of education as a key to developing and promoting more young women in the field of nuclear security. Each webinar will provide the opportunity to learn about existing nuclear security education programmes in a specific region of the world.
Starting from Asia and the Pacific region, Amity University in India co-hosted the first webinar on 7 March 2022, by inviting experts and students from the region to share their experiences and discuss how the regional nuclear security educational programmes contribute to the increase of women representation in this field.
This second webinar is co-hosted by Purdue University in the USA and will focus on nuclear security programmes and initiatives in North and South America. The third webinar will focus on Africa and the Middle East (Mansoura University, Egypt, Q3-2022) and the last one on Europe (Hertie School, Germany, Q4-2022).
The objectives of the International Nuclear Security Education Webinar Series are to:
- provide an overview of nuclear security education programmes offered by the host university and in both North and Latin America;
- provide an overview of the IAEA’s programme of assistance to Member States in capacity building in nuclear security and gender equality;
- provide an overview of the IAEA’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme
- enhance the attractiveness of studying and pursuing careers in the field of nuclear security;
- discuss career opportunities for women in nuclear security;
- share the experiences of the young generation and hear their expectations;
- facilitate sustainable capacity-building, cross-learning and knowledge-sharing in the field of nuclear security.