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Human Milk Intake (DTM)

The IAEA database on human milk intake contains data obtained by the deuterium oxide dose-to-mother (DTM) technique explained here. The database is a compilation of individual data shared by researchers from all over the World. The aim of the DTM database is to enable researchers to address innovative research questions related to human milk intake. See here who is in the DTM management group.

OBS. The database is currently under development. Once the database is fully established, a Request Data button will be included on this site.

For an overview of the data distribution and availability we invite you to explore the interactive map below. The two tabs reveal the distribution of the human milk intake data and the availability of existing variables within the database. To view details by region, age group, or specific variable category – such as infant, maternal or paternal/household data – please use the different selection fields/drop-down menus.

For any questions or more information, please send an email.

How to submit data

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