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Nuclear Cardiology: Guidance and Recommendations for Implementation in Developing Countries

IAEA Human Health Series No. 23

Superseded by: IAEA Human Health Series - 23 (Rev. 1)

English STI/PUB/1566 ¦ 978-92-0-131710-0

108 pages ¦ 27 figures ¦ € 32.00 ¦ Date published: 2012

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This publication, which accompanies Nuclear Cardiology: Its Role in Cost Effective Care (IAEA Human Health Series No. 18), discusses non-invasive imaging modalities with an emphasis on myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI). MPI is one of the most complex nuclear techniques and by far the most widely used for non-invasive detection of coronary artery disease. The book covers all aspects of this modality, from clinical indications to reporting. Chapters describe clinical scenarios and provide examples of good strategies and recommendations of good practice. The aim of the publication is to help strengthen current nuclear cardiology practices, so that they meet accepted standards and that providers can deliver better quality services to the population. Target readers are nuclear medicine physicians, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, but also all other clinical specialists involved in managing and treating cardiac diseases and particularly coronary artery diseases.

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