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Nuclear Security Systems and Measures for Major Public Events

Implementing Guide

IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 18
Implementing Guides

English STI/PUB/1546 ¦ 978-92-0-127010-8

56 pages ¦ 14 figures ¦ € 30.00 ¦ Date published: 2012

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This publication provides an overview, based on practical experience and lessons learned, for establishing nuclear security systems and measures for major public events. It covers technical and administrative nuclear security measures for developing the necessary organizational structure, developing plans, strategies and concepts of operations, and making arrangements for implementing the developed plans, strategies and concepts.

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IAEA Nuclear Security, Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Nuclear Terrorism, Safety Measures, Prevention, Radiation Sources, Emergency Management, Nuclear Security Systems, Public Security, Private Security, Mayor Public Events, Threat Assessment, Preventive, Response, Criminal, Radioactive Material, Detection, Alerts, Lessons Learned, Organizational Structure, Developing Plans, Concepts, Explosives, Hazards, Contamination, Crime, Environment, Urban Areas, Dirty Bomb

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